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As the one enters the conference room the sight the one will see is two young boys gossiping over a certain topic don't know what and
Other two are eating snacks and watching drama, God knows!! When these kids are going to be serious and the only sincere one though he is the captain no doubt is going through some notes while taking a sip of coffee.

As Tong Yao enters the room after seeing the sight she crossed her arms to her chest and speaks loud enough that all the players takes their attendance posture as she said,

"Attention please!!!! and let your notebooks out, if anyone is late there pay will be deducted by 100 per second."(thanks to Xiao Rui)

"Xiao jie jie you are heartless!!", Xiao Guang cried while throwing his phone amid of drama and hurriedly searching for the notebook.

Zhe lan sighed and says,
"Thanks Goodness I had my notebook--
He was interrupted by Tong Yao saying mischievously "It doesn't seems like the folder and notes I gave to you."

A sudden shudder ran through his spine after realization that the notebook was on his desk and the deducted pay splash in his mind as he ran to his gaming console area lefting others in giggles.

As these things happened
Sang Yan( captain) askes her in his playfull tone "Mei-Mei , are you sure that you are going to deduct their pay? I thought there monthly pay is almost nil....

There can be seen a bit of laughter traced in her eyes, she was trying hard to keep the laughter into her as the other players were cursing her under their breath.

She knew she becomes sometimes really strict to them, but they always adores her as their little sister and this feeling of brotherhood reminds her of her teammates.

"Okay let's continue.....umm...forget about that pay deduction talk.....was just joking"

As Tong Yao says that the Jungler who messed all his desk for just finding a notebook stayed stunned.

Actually this is also why everyone adores her especially when she acts like nothing happened.

After a detailed lecture on team OP and their players, Tong Yao finally anounce that there will be a skirmish against OP the day after tomorrow.

The reaction was

"Xiao jiejie, what the......."

"Missy, don't you think it is too early".

" Yao-er, they are so much strong and we only have one day to prepare". Xiao Guang says symbolizing one .

"What on earth makes you agree to the skirmish"?!!, Hao Zi stunned by hearing.

"Relax guys......relax!! I know you guys are well prepared and it's just a practice match. What's the all fuss about? ......I believe in all of you can do this......and if you lose it's Okay......this practice match will tell us in what level we are and help to point out the mistakes we are doing.....No need to worry everyone just believe in your training and teamwork.....ok"

After Tong Yao's long motivational speech they all somewhat relaxed and started discussing different tactics to use.

After two hours of complete route discussion of OP mid-jungler duo ,
Tong Yao gave them a break to enjoy eating hotpot and makes some excuse that she won't be able to eat tonight due to sme works at RCB HQs.

Now Tong Yao was all alone in the whole base reflecting through the data that she analyzed a while ago.

At moment of revising, her phone rings. The caller id is the familiar one her best friend.

After recognizing the caller id she went through a debate in mind for receiving the phone untill it stopped ringing. But she called once again.This time Tong Yao thought sometime and recieved the call.

"HELLO?!!Yao- Yao, why are you not answering my calls?? Is everything fine? Did someone said something to my jiemie?? Answer me Yao- Yao, or I will take the last flight to Seoul to come to you--"

She was interrupted, "Hey!!relax can you stop and let me answer miss??Okay...okay I am going to tell you don't be angry heiress chen Jin Yang..."

"Okay speak!"

"Actually....." her eyes started to turn moist."I am missing everyone".

Her answer made the other side quite and then she replied taking a long breath.


"I know.....I should keep patience but when I think about breaks my heart.

"Yao-Yao, I wish I can do something like fight the whole world say that My Yao-Yao is not wrong!!and stop building rumors about her........I know, you did everything for your team and cheng-ge.......I can understand what was the they don't hate you please stop crying Yao-Yao.........If you say, I will talk to Cheng ge and others but please stop crying Yao-Yao......"

"I-I am n..not crying because I am alone but cuz......I left..*sobs*them *sobs*alone".

"Huh....Yao-Yao it's not your fault that you fell, don't feel sorry......I am here with you and I believe everyone will understand
.....okay now please take a deep breath......calm down yourself."

" Jin Yang, I think they are back....I'll call you later...bye."

She takes a long breath and sighs with grief and wipes her tears...she don't want that her new team who cherish her as their sister worry about her.

She just wents to the kitchen corner to the refrigerator and takes a yogurt for herself.....and drink it in two gulps.

Then they all starts their training sessions and after that.....they all get back to sleep....she also wents to her room and locked the door.

When she entered she saw the rabbit soft toy which Lu Sicheng gifted her from one of the claw machine.

She tightly hugged oit wents back to the bed......God! She was missing him a lot.

She was remembering all her sweet moments with Lu Sicheng hugging, Kissing, bickering and laughing together.Her fights with Lu Yue, her duals with little Fatty, workout with old cat and watching drama with old K and her fans who supported her, all these things in a flash back started in her mind.

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