Chapter :13

519 17 16

*(Still in Flashback)

The next day, Lu Si Cheng woke up early and started preparing breakfast, Tong Yao's favourite comfort food, white porridge with brown sugar.

Tong Yao woke up when the smell of sweet warm porridge entered her dreams. She rushed down in her nightgown and hugged her boyfriend from behind.

Tong Yao: Breakfast smells delicious.

Lu Si Cheng: And you shouldn't come downstairs without changing first, how many times…

Tong Yao ran back up without another word. Lu Si Cheng sighed knowingly and continued serving the porridge. After filling up two bowls, he set the cooker to keep warm for the rest of his teammates to eat later. As he sat down in the dining room, his phone rang, the number indicating that it was his father calling.

Lu Si Cheng: Hello pa. What do you…

LSC Father: I need you to come home immediately!

Lu Si Cheng: sigh…What happened this time?

LSC Father: Your Mother and I had an argument…She locked herself in the bedroom and won't come out.

Lu Si Cheng: Well, I guess it's better than the time she left home… I'll go back tomorrow.

LSC Father: Please, I need you to come home now, I can't deal with her by myself.

Lu Si Cheng: …Fine.

Lu Si Cheng sighed as he hung up. Tong Yao came downstairs dressed casually in white shirt and jeans.

Tong Yao: What happened? You look stressed…

Lu Si Cheng: My father just called, I have to go home right now.
Would you be alright going to the hospital alone?

Tong Yao: I'll be fine Cheng Ge, you really don't have to worry.

Lu Si Cheng: Maybe I should ask Xiao Rui to go with you…

Tong Yao interrupted: No need! I'll ask Jin Yang.

Tong Yao sighed, her boyfriend was definitely set on her seeing a doctor. She called Jin Yang reluctantly. The phone rang a few times, before a sleepy voice picked up.

Jin Yang: JieMei , do you know what time is it? It's too early to call.

Tong Yao: Sorry, just wanted to check with you if you could go to the hospital with me today.

Jin Yang was awake immediately, she shushed Ai Jia who was looking at her questioningly.

Jin Yang: Of course, just tell the time. I'll drive, just next door at YQCB'S base right now.

Tong Yao: Alright, thank you. I'll text you later. Bye.

Jin Yang: OK, bye.

Tong Yao hung up and looked at Cheng Ge, 'happy now?'. Lu Si Cheng ruffled her hair in response to her unspoken question and smiled lovingly at her. Tong Yao faked a smile in return and started eating her porridge.

Lu Si Cheng: There's no training today, so after your visit to the hospital, you can hang out with Jin Yang. Just remember to call me to check in.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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