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(Flashback had ended**)

**Seoul, South Korea

*RCB base

Next Day Tong Yao was having a petty headache from no sleep at night. But when it comes to her work she becomes the most energetic person in the whole base.

RCB will be having a skirmish against OP tomorrow so the whole team is practicing whole heartedly.

After giving the team daily task, her main work was to focus on their Mid.

Op's Mid Jin Yuguang was a defensive and fierce player, he was just like an allrounder no matter they called him world first Mid. Tong Yao also hadn't killed him once in a game.

"Jin Yuguang has a large champion pool so no matter what it will not affect him by ban8ng any champion of him."Tong Yao looking at the data,"seeing our previous matches I am sure that they will ban your favorite champion so for backup, today you guys should you your Champions which you didn't play in the previous seasons. "

"Aye-Aye Ma'am!! ",They cheered and giggles can be heard all around the base.

"Childish!", Thier home manager Bai Zhen came and went to kitchen for dinner.

Tong Yao still looking inthe folder"Tell Bai Zhen what you guys want to eat tonight,  snacks are from him".

"Hey! Wait a minute why me?"

"You were the one who was saying that you are worried if they lost skirmish they will break in pieces.
So I thought before being in pieces we should enjoy the snacks".

"That's not right Zhen ge !"

"Yeah! We will be fine".

Their captain finally said, "Bai Zhen I believe in my teammates and it's decided we will definitely win the skirmish and thanks to our coach ,with her this will be easy."

"Quite good speech captain." They all cheered and went back to their works.

Xiao Guang is known for playing Diana and Syndra well but either of them will be ban in every match by the opponent.

But this time he is practicing Azir and he is good with it too this is their secret weapon against the opponent.

He suddenly remembered something and said,"Xiao jiejie, I thought you would also have an experience since ZGDX beated them with the help of you I heard in an interview of yours , you were very fierce, do you??and--"

Zhe Lan in a low voice ,"Hush!!hey stop blabbering rubbish idiot."

Tong Yao was writing something but stopped at what he said and felt lost in her thougths for some seconds . The all memories from her past came back . Tears were pricking in her eyes but she didn't let them fell down

Everyone's attention went to their Mid and then their data analyst.

Sang Yan looked at Tong Yao who was frozed in her thoughts and then gave a gaze to the others which was saying,'Shut up all of you or I will throw you all out!'

Then the door bell rang suddenly, Tong Yao came back to her senses,"Sure I will teach it later to you.....Umm...I think it's my takeout......I will be here in a while....till then peactice everyone.

Everyone nodded seeing Tong Yao walking out of the base.

Her legs where shaking badly like she will fell in some time, her head was aching bad and her heart was beating hard and fast.

When she  reached the lounge she hold the wall for support and sat resting her back on the wall ,digging her head between her kneels , she didn't even realized she was crying untill she felt a warm droplet on her cheek.

Memories were running through her head when she felt a hand wiping her tears and caressing her cheeks with his thumb and when she opened her eyes ,she was already in the embrace of Sang Yan stroking her hairs .
"Shh...I am here calm down... take a long breath."

He was saying it repeatedly to calm her and make her breath steady.

After Lu Sicheng he was the only man whose embrace make her feel safe.

"Yao-Yao it's just okay.....everything is fine ."

He hugged her. It was a brotherly hug and she hugged him back.

This is what she needed the most when she is alone.

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