chaster 8

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"Miss please wake up"I hear a small voice say to me as the poking continues.

"Stop, leave me alone I just want to sleep"I say trying to swatt away there pokes.

"Are you playing hide and seek too cwause everyone is looking for you"I here one say as my eyes shoot open finally relizing I'm still in this hell hole.

Two boys. They are the ones guilty for the poking.Two little brown haired devils with brown hair with eyes that where grey with blue green spechs in them which I assume to be inharited from Maria they both have rounded faces like there bad,the only difference is one have freckles the other doesn't.

"Hi I'm Nathaniel but you can call me Nathan and that",says the boy with freckles pointing at the other twin "is Carson".

"Hi I'm serenity nice to meet you how old are you guys"I say looking at them both with curiousity.

"Where five but I'm older"Carson says ethusiastically holding up five little fingers.

"You must be the new sister daddy was talking about"Nathan says clapping his hand

(PS those are the to guys in Casper wink wink.)

"Yah sure I am do you think y'all could show me the way outside so I can get some fresh air" I say hoping if they thought I was there sister they'd help me out of here.

"OK but let me tell daddy that I found you first." Carson says in a sweet little voice

"NO" I shout but quickly correct myself so I don't seem suspicious "no its OK you said we where all playing hide and seek and you can't just tell the person were hiding from know where we're at that would be no fun sillys" I say and the look at each other with a serious face and then slowly start to smile and nod there heads.

Slowly we all get out from under the bed and check all around and we sneak into the hall way checking both ways trying to be snecky but falling because the boys couldn't stop giggling as they lead me through

As we zigzagged through the house I made a new name for it, the house of a million halls I don't know how the boys know where anything is or where to go I mean I can already tell there smart but really?that's amazing!

Then I see it the door to freedom, to home, to my friends I run to the door and opened it with one mighty pull and with that came a alarm "back door open" it skreches I should of predicted this the house is fucking mansion!!

Half way out the door I hear his voice

"Did you really think I wouldn't catch you"......... Shit

Well I know this update is really late and I have excuses but I doubt you want to hear that so all I can say is sorry.

So guys I want to know your thought, what should happen next?

Should she get pregnant



I'm not up dating till I get 15 comments to answer my questions so please answer!!!!!

Sorry it's short

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