Chapter 3

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Here I am walking home in rain, no umbrella, clothes soaked

I can't believe he left me at the restaurant counting that my house is 6 miles away form the restaurant and he obviously knew that but still left without asking to give me a ride. What ever he left me for must be important oh yah he has a son you idiot that was probably his wife on the phone god it all hurts much it's probably a good thing it's raining because now no one can see my tears.

By the time I get to my house I'm exhausted, soar everywhere, probably will have a cold in the morning, and I was still crying(how I'm still crying is a mystery to me because I'm pretty I've cryed about 5 gallons of tears)

How could he do this to me. He had another women yet let me fall for him and he could of stopped it he could have said no and left at the beginning, he could of made there not been a beginning if he did then maybe I would be in love with a nice unmarried man who didn't have kids

I needed help so I texted the 3 people that could help me 'sos bring ice cream' I text them in group message all the text where along the lines of 'what happen, whos penis do I need to cut off' God I love my friends

Soon alice comes bounding into the room with her sadness energany kit at least that's what she calls it that's filled with romance movies and in her other hand is a bag filled with multiple things of ice cream

When she reaches me she immediately grabs my head and moves it around trying to check for engarys and the looks at my body to make sure there was no cuts or bruises.

"Are you ok"she says looking into my as if saying you better not think about lying or down playing it

"No" I say feeling as if I'm going to cry again but i hold them back

"It's ok darling"she says hugging me as she kisses the top of my head and says things to try to make me feel better.

Then the door slowly opens again and there's jasey she the most submissive out of all of us she's the quiet smart one that is only crazy some of the time but when she is crazy it's CRAZY.

Once she gets to the room she kind of peers around until she sees my tear stained face she then starts to fast walk then sits by me and hugs me not asking question yet because there still one more to come and she knows it will be easier to explain.

Then the door slams open and you here a loud hello bitches thats Olivia I know she's a bright person and warning she has a weird way of showing friendship

Once see's everyone She comes up and gives each of us a kiss (AN ITS NOT SOME LESBIAN STUFF THERE NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP ITS JUST HER PERSONALITY)then she squats down in front of me and whips the tear that was about to ran down my face

"Tell us what happened darling."she says

As I tell them what happened earlier that night and they sit there holding my hands or rubbing my back showing me they where here to support me

"I thought the night was going to be a fairytale but all it ended up being was a nightmare" I say ending my rant.

"I know what to do" Jasey says he all look at her waiting for her to continue

"So we could burn him alive gather the ashes and go to the Pacific ocean for 'vacation' and dump the ashes there"she continues leaving the rest of us stunned once she see our stunned faces she stops and looks down at her hands again.

"Orrrrrr we can eat the 7 tubs of ice cream I brought and watch some romance" Alice says taking the ice cream out of the bag as Olivia looks for a movie

"Well I'll go change because my cloths are soaked" I say beginning to go up the stair once I get to my room I put my hair up in a lazy bun a took off my clothes and put new undies on and my onzie on and once I got back down stairs I find all my friend cuddled up on the couch but they still left a spot once I sit down I'm immediately surrounded by my best friends and suddenly get I tub of choclate ice cream shoved in my hand(my favorite)

And that is how my night ended snuggled up on the couch filled of friend, watching 'stuck in love', stomachs filled of ice cream.

Remember to





And love tell your friends you love them

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