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"Why don't we go out for dinner tonight daddy? I was thinking... actually, I don't really care what we eat. I'm just really hungry." I hovered over my dad, as he sat in the study. Reading some medical journal, I have no idea what most of the words said. Being completely honest, but oh well.

"Ah, no honey. Not tonight, we have a guest over for dinner tonight." He licks the pad of his finger, turning to the next page with ease.

Ew. Guest?

"It better not be, the neighbors again." I rolled my eyes, resting my chin on the end of the back of his chair. My dad shakes his head.

"No, no. It's someone from work."

That had suddenly, sparked my interest.

"Really guest? Who!" I continued to pry, circling around him. He closes his book, setting it on the small side table beside him.

"Actually, you met him this morning. He's one of the new fellows, he's just finished his residency. And, he's just moved into town, so I figured why not invite him over. Seems like a nice guy." My dad, explained.

I knew this was also a ploy, for him to make new friends. Ever since mom... well, died. He hasn't been the same, he's been very lonely.

It's just been us two, for as long as I could remember. But now... he had practically given me my in, on the doctor guy.

Okay, so he's a fellow. He just finished residency, that means he's... thirty give or take.

Oh Jesus, that's old.

How do I find out how old he really is, without seeming like i'm going to use the information for my own good, um...

"But wait, he looks really young. He's already a fellow? I would've expected I don't know, maybe a new resident." I fibbed, through my teeth. Trying to seem interested.

"Well, I am so glad you asked! Dr. Kaulitz, has been offered jobs everywhere. He's incredibly intelligent, finished med school early. Had honors roll in high school, and he was a top resident. Graduated college when he was twenty, he's a really good kid." Dad says, with proudness casting through his eyes.

"So what, he's like twenty-eight?" I quickly did the math inside of my head.

"Yes, he's twenty-eight." He confirmed for me, I hid my smile. So he is young. I was generally confused at first, because he did look young. But, becoming a doctor has so many steps.

Most people don't even become actual doctors till they're like, in their 30's. This is good, he isn't over thirty, and he's smart. And handsome.

Now the only, thing left is to figure out how to make him attracted to me. Shouldn't be too hard.

"And this dinner is when?" I walked off, standing by the doorway. "In two hours, i'm just going to order something in probably. Don't take too long to get ready, and make sure you look nice. I want to make a good impression on our family."

I'll definitely be looking nice, that's for sure...

I fixed my bow, in the back of my head. Smiling to myself, it was white. Matching with the flowy blouse, and mini skirt I was wearing.

I always liked dressing cute, rather than hot or sexy. It just... didn't match my personality? I mean I don't know, I just leaned more towards cute dresses, and skirts. Nothing wrong with that, I just hoped he would think it looked nice.

The top, flowed out around the sleeves. Cinching tightly around my waist, I didn't know what i'd do for shoes. Maybe just white socks.

I fixed my lipgloss once more, hearing three knocks on the door. I flattened out my skirt, shutting my door gently. I started to hear my dad invite him in, asking if what he had planned was fine. It was just olive garden, come on.

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