It's times like this when I feel the strongest longing.
I don't feel it as often as you do
Because I can go for days alone.
I have gone my entire life alone, anyway
And I'm used to my solitude. I bask in it.
When I do miss you,
The longing seeps deep into my flesh— it reaches and soaks my bones. It envelops my heart and pulls it in every direction it feels you're in. It binds with my blood and flows with it through my arteries and veins and to every point in my body.
So yes, I miss you. I won't say it out loud but oh, how I miss you.
I miss you in that toe-curling kind of way,
The kind that makes me want to hold you and be held by you, wrapped in you, tight as can be,
The kind that overflows my heart and empties it at the same time.