Chapter 6

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Finally we arrive at the cafe where the event is being held, at least that was what i think. I bet Hoshi starting to question everything he saw inside his head now.

It was a hidden gem cafe but packed with people who attended the event, a birthday decorations for their idol, many people dressed up cutely and gorgeous, chattering while trading photocards, cheerful atmosphere... give Hoshi a quite shocked look. He looked me a moment but someone call me in the nick of time.

" Haru aegyyy ~ !!! You came !!!" One of my moots (online friends) called me. Hoshi look at me and trying to hold his laughter, i can see it. Then i hugged my friend. "Of course I would came~ we already promised right~"  we giggled.

" i see that you're coming here with a guy ~ how dare you bring your scandal to our hubby birthday !!" She teased me and that makes me turned red while Hoshi hold his laugh behind his mask. I doomed. For real.

" who is this guy ~? Your boyfriend~?" She asked and I quickly corrected her, "Friend, from my high school- just friend." " Haru aegy~ did you dragged someone else now after coming to these event alone~?" She asked with sad smile and all I could reply is just a smile. "Oh yes !! Your husband's photocards ! Remember that you bought them from me the other day ? Its here !" She said while rummage through her bag. Again, my face are all red to ears and I couldn't face Hoshi. Imagining all of his jokes on me will be embarrassing me much to the point im willing to take a day or two off- i can see it, my future.

These are the pcs; ctto

These are the pcs; ctto

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Hoshi just watching us and it's clearly shows that Hoshi questioning a billion questions inside his head to me now

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Hoshi just watching us and it's clearly shows that Hoshi questioning a billion questions inside his head to me now. Rest in peace, dear me. My friend noticed that and teased him, "omo, i think your guy friend are jealous here~". I awkwardly laughed, "no no, he's just- culture shock". She also laughed and eventually say, "don't worry, uri Haru is single and saying that all 13 members by nicknames like hubby, baby, husband, my man is totally fine~". Ah- why is she explaining that to him now ??!! If only she knew that was Hoshi she talking to... im done, im gonna dig my grave now.

"By the way, you do have a body like Hoshi... don't you think, Haru ? Oh and just a tmi of Haru, your friend, her first love is Hoshi too !" she added and now im dead. Hoshi looked at me and I don't know what kind of reaction he had right now. Help- i want to run away now.

But suddenly i heard some people screaming,


When i looked at the crowd, it is Wonwoo and Mingyu there ! What the hell are they doing here now ??!!!! Everyone running to them, and pushing me too. I was surprised but now me and Hoshi are separated by the crowd. Im so panic that i started to get out from the crowd and find Hoshi.

After getting out from the crowd, I tried to look for Hoshi in the midst of the crowds. Then, someone called out my name.


I looked for the voice... and i saw him.

I swear everything just looked so blurry, but the only thing i can see is him, Kwon Soonyong

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I swear everything just looked so blurry, but the only thing i can see is him, Kwon Soonyong ... he look so stunning and glowing. I found a spark on him.  I run to him and grabbed his hand.

" lets get out from here".

After a few minutes later ...

Im out of breath now after run aimlessly and ended up in my studio... with Hoshi.

"Im sorry for *pant* dragging you there- didn't know it was *pant* going to be like this" I really couldn't catch up my breath

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"Im sorry for *pant* dragging you there- didn't know it was *pant* going to be like this" I really couldn't catch up my breath. But Hoshi help me breathe, "Haru, breathe first... in *inhale* and out *exhale* slowly...". I followed him, thanks to his help, im able to catch up my breath now, maybe im lack of stamina. "Thanks hoshi... um- please come in and sit down first, i will bring you some water" i said as i make my way to my kitchen.

We both calm down first with a water. Then, Hoshi started the conversation, "so... care to explain now ?". My heart start beating faster again, nervous ? I don't know anymore.

" So... what you just saw was a birthday event for idols, created by their fans. Before I worked here, im a Carat, yes... one of your fans. Thanks to my hardwork, i get to work with you guys even from behind the scenes. I dont want to show this side to you guys because im afraid that you guys will see me as weird fans- but im really not the one !" I explained to him clearly. He asked again, " and your first bias was ... me ? Why ?".

My face turned red again and i couldn't see him in the eyes so i just stare at the table, " because... you're funny, kind and I like your personality, efforts ... also the way you want to achieve more than you have right now was inspiring me. Oh and don't worry- I only like you as an idol, same as your nembers". Oh my god, why do i feel like want to cry now ...? Im so embarrassed to him that i cant bring myself to look at him.

" Haru-shi... look at me" he said with such a gentle tone. I slowly raised my head and looked at him.

" you're not weird. To be exact, you can always show us this side of yours. Our team loves our fans so dearly. So, You don't need to be afraid. And... thank you for being our fans, work with us... and being my fans." Hoshi gently said that with a smile, it's like it is okay to be myself. "Don't worry, I will never tell anyone about this. You can tell them once you're ready, okay ?" he added. I just nodded. "So... can we be friends ? I want to know more about you... as a friend, of course." He asked if we can be friends, and I don't see why we can't.

" Yes. Let's be friends !"

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