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      I sat in my basement, laying on my back, staring up at the ceiling. My eyes widened when I noticed that there were scratches in it. I traced the scratches, my eyes flickering quickly between all of them. I brought one of my hands up, and rubbed my face, thinking about what I had become. I knew the transformations were over until the next full moon, but that didn't stop the fear that raced through my veins every single time. I rubbed my face again, feeling the bumps of my scars, the three diagonal scars that ran across. I sat up, folding one of my legs under the other, before starting to stretch my sore limbs. I stared at my arms, discovering new scratches from the transformation last night. I stood up, rubbing the scratches, one beginning to bleed. Walking up the stairs, I wondered, again, how my parents could deal with this. I knocked gently on the cement door, hearing a ring resonate throughout the house. The familiar sound of a chair scraping across the wooden floor made me smile, making me realize I would get to see my mum after three days. The door opened slowly, the brightness of the sunlight hitting my face, making me squint.

      "Oh, Remus!" My mum proclaimed, enveloping me into a giant hug. I gladly sunk into her embrace, grateful to have human contact. As she held me, she squeezed the newfound scratch, making me slightly wince, as pain shot through my arm. Mum clearly noticed, pulling away to hold me at arms length. She saw the blood running down my arms, in tiny rivulets, gasping at the sight. She never could get over the fact that I injured myself while under the transformation. Smiling grimly, mum pointing towards the kitchen. Gladly I ran in, wanting food. The smell of bacon invaded my nose, my mouth watering at the delicious smell. "No, Remus. We are cleaning your wound first," my mother reprimanded, causing me to groan, "No excuses!" Muttering under my breath, I launched myself onto the counter-top, gazing longingly at the food that sat across from me. My mouth was watering, the sight of pancakes, eggs, and bacon so inviting to me. Barely noticing my mum, I winced when antiseptic came in contact with my wound. Hissing slightly, I retracting my arm, only to have my mum grab it once more. She pulled my arm out to her, gently dabbing my wound with a rag, making me constantly wince as pain ran through my veins. "I'm sorry, Remus," she spoke, sincerity lacing her voice. Wrapping the newly clean scratch in gauze, I smiled slightly at my mum. As soon as she was done, I leapt of of the counter, quickly loading up a plateful of food. Shoving the delicious food into my mouth, I groaned, happy that I had food to satisfy my hunger.

      "Hi mum," I gasped out, once I had finished inhaling my food. I looked up at her, gazing into her warm, inviting brown eyes. She smiled slightly at me, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. I knew she was mad at the person who had done this to me, made me into the monster that I am today. I also knew she was planning her revenge on him, on Fenrir Greyback. Knowing exactly what she was thinking, I stood up, and wrapped her in a hug, my scrawny eleven-year-old arms reaching around her waist, with my hands interlocking behind her back. I hugged her tightly, willing her to hug me back. She did, wrapping her arms around my shoulders, one hand running through my sandy blonde hair. My mum sighed deeply, her head rested atop of mine. "How are you, mum?" I asked, wanting to know how she had been the last few days. Hearing my mum sniffling, and feeling tears upon my head, I leaned back, looking at her with concern filling my eyes. 

      "Remus, sweetie, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. No one deserves this, especially you. I just wish I could have stopped this from happening," she whispered, tears flowing from her eyes and down her face. Sighing to myself, and rubbing my face to stop my own tears, I walked behind her to grab tissues. Handing my mum the tissues, hoping she would take them. With a sheepish smile on my face, I grabbed some for myself, wiping away the stubborn tears that escaped. Laughing to ourselves, my mum and I wrapped each other up in a hug. Only when I winced, did we let go of each other, a much happier look on our faces. "Oh!" my mum exclaimed, making me jump, and look up her curiously. "You have a letter dear. From Hogwarts," she said, a grim smile etching her face.

      "What's wrong with Hogwarts, mum?" I questioned, looking her with curiosity. I knew about Hogwarts, hearing tales from my father.

      "I just don't want you to get hurt, Remus," she replied, plopping herself into one of the table chairs. "You know about our blood status. There are people there who are to prejudiced to realize we are all the same, no matter our blood status. And with you being a werewolf, there is no telling what could happen," she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. I sighed deeply, pulling a chair to myself, and sitting down. Propping my head up with one hand, I looked at my mum.

      "I will at least belong somewhere for once. Professor Dumbledore would not have invited me to attend if he believed other students would be in harm. He clearly has something planned." I argued, determination and hope filling my voice.

      "That is very correct, Mr. Lupin," a new voice announced, causing both my mum and I to jump and look to the door. In the kitchen doorway stood the greatest wizard of all time, Professor Albus Dumbledore. "Mr. Lupin is a very smart child to think I have something planned. Although I do, I am proud he was able to recognize that," smiling, Dumbledore seated himself next to us, his somewhat long white hair and matching beard reaching the floor. He was dressed in purple wizard robes, and his majestic blue eyes shone from behind his crescent moon spectacles. "I have a preposition for all members of the Lupin family, if they would be willing to agree, so young Mr. Lupin is safe at school," Dumbledore proclaimed, looking at me with a sparkle in his eye. My father walked in, his eyes widening when he saw Dumbledore sitting at our kitchen table.

      "Dumbledore! How are you? Would you like some tea?" my father asked him, shock with a slight hint of amusement filling his voice. Nodding, Dumbeldore accepted the tea, only stopping the conversation to ask for two sugar cubes. My father came back, with a cup of tea for Dumbledore, but a large mug of coffee for himself.

      "As I was saying, I have a preposition for Remus here, so he would be safe at Hogwarts, only if you agree," Dumbledore proposed, looking between the two adults. After both nodded, he continued, "Well, I have come to the conclusion that we would plant a new tree at the grounds. Somewhere distant from the school, but close enough to walk to. Preferably a Whomping Willow. I would create a sort of tunnels, if you please, so Remus could reach a safe house, that would be home to him during his transformations. The tree would prohibit anyone from nearing it, and from him escaping."

      "Oh, Albus, thank you so much. This would make our lives much more simpler, knowing Remus is safe," my mother blurted out, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. 

      "It is no problem," he spoke, sympathy and tenderness in his voice. Nodding at both of my parents, who gladly agreed to let me attend Hogwarts after the announcement of the plan, he turned to look at me. "I expect to see you Hogwarts, Remus. Good luck." With that, he turned and walked out of the door. I heard a loud pop resonate from our living room, which let me know he had apparated. With a huge smile on face, I let out a girly shriek, and enveloped my parents in a hug. Laughing, we all sat down at the table, listening to stories of Hogwarts from my dad.

      I was finally going to be accepted...hopefully.

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