The Train

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      I bolted awake to the sound of my mum screaming for me to get up. My eyes widened, and I yelped in excitement, throwing myself back onto my bed. Both my eyes and hair turned bright orange in excitement. Smiling widely, I threw off my covers, swinging my feet over the edge. Jumping off of my bed, I landed on the floor in a crouching position. Skipping over to my closet, I swung it open, momentarily looking at the clock. My trunk sat at the end of my bed, ready to be taken to King's Cross Station. Pulling out the pair of clothes I'd left in the closet, I yanked them on, admiring my outfit for today. I had decided to wear a pair of regular denim jeans with my favorite Tweety Bird shirt. I wanted to be comfortable for today. Grabbing my trunk in my hands, I lugged it downstairs, the heavy wooden crate banging against each step. I sincerely hoped that it did not scratch the wood. Panting when I got to the bottom, I sat down with my legs splayed out, as I watched my dad take my luggage out to our family car.

      "Come on, Roselina. We have to leave now in order not to be late," my mother spoke, her doe-like eyes looking down on me. Grasping her hand with my own, I pulled myself off, inspecting my clothes for any fuzzes that might have latched onto my clothing. Walking swiftly behind her, well, skipping actually, I traipsed out the door, feeling the sunlight hit my face. Twirling in circles, with my arms spread wide, over to the car, I quickly became dizzy. Collapsing against the car for support, I held my spinning head in my hands, waiting for the world to refocus. Hearing my father chuckle at my antics through to partially open window, a small smile etched its way across my face. Opening the car door, I sat in the back seat, my father in the driver's seat, while my mother situated herself in the passenger. Peaking my head forward through the gap in the seats, I spoke to my mother with excitement exploded from my voice.

      "I can't wait for Hogwarts, mum! I wonder what house I'll be in?" I questioned myself aloud. Remnants of what Dumbledore had explained to my family and I yesterday. I had learned about Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Personally, I had hoped that I was in Gryffindor. Professor had told us stories of Hogwarts, and about Voldemort. I wasn't scared of him, because Dumbledore had said that fear in the name only increased fear in itself. Smiling widely, I tried to remember the names of the ghosts that Dumbledore supposed I should befriend. Blinking, and reeling back, I saw a pair of fingers snapping where my eyes had once been. Watching as my parents laughed, I began laughing too, realizing I had probably zoned out again. Leaning back into my seat, my seat-belt held in my hands, I gazed out the window, staring at the countryside pass by. I noticed the familiar town, the market with its vendors selling today's fresh fruit. Looking again between my parents, I noticed that it was only nine o'clock in the morning. Resting my head upon the back of my seat, I closed my eyes, listening to whisper of life around me. The darkness that blanketed my eyelids, caused me to grin, preventing sleep from overtaking my body. Sighing, I lifted my legs up into the seat next to me, curling them inward, as I snuggled into the seat. With my eyes fluttering, I slowly drifted to sleep, somber hills and pleasant fields passing by.

      What seemed days later, I woke up, my eyes blinking open, as I cowered from the sunlight. A calloused hand sat on my arm, gently shaking me awake. Looking up through half-closed eyes, I saw my father. I heard him say to me that we had arrived at King's Cross, causing me to bolt awake in anticipation. Quickly unbuckling my seat-belt, I hopped out of the car, stumbling a little bit on my feet. Following my parents, who somehow got a trolley for my luggage, I gazed around, looking at the bright fire-engines of the trains. People were everywhere, in suits, in dresses, and in comfortable clothes like myself. With my eyes wide, and my hair astray, I walked behind me parents, looking at the brilliant trains. Walking along, I saw large signs with numbers. They were in order from one through eleven. Walking to station 9, I began looking for the entrance to the Hogwarts station. 9 and 3 Quarters, Ms. Fernando, Dumbledore had said. Making my way station 9, I walked past it, only to see station 10. Turning around, I looked again for the entrance to Hogwarts station. Spinning in circles confusedly, I began to worry about the train. I willed my eyes to stay their original brown color, as Dumbledore had instructed me to do in these situations.

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