Schedule & Classes

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      It was two days letter, while sitting in the Great Hall, eating breakfast, that we all received our schedules. Hundreds of owls flew in, dropping off mail to kids in my year, and many of the years above. Sadly, I did not receive any mail, but I was not disappointed. It was Sunday, meaning that classes would start tomorrow. One great bird landed next to me, in front of Sirius. It was an unusual red color, with black tips on it's wings. It was taller than any of the other owls, making me realize that it was a hawk. It had a black beak, fading into a yellow at the point. Its' beady eyes stared me down, before locking gazes with Sirius. Sirius noticeably gulped, before looking down, staring at the red envelope that was tied in a bow around the hawk's leg. His eyes widened greatly, the white barely showing now. I heard his barely inaudible breath hitch in his throat, before he tossed his hair to the side, trying to shake off the fear that wrapped around him. He gently unraveled the red ribbon the held to letter to the hawk. He peered around, looking at everyone. "That's a Howler" someone whispered, breaking the silence that seemed to fall upon the Gryffindor table.

      "Open it, Sirius. You know that's better than waiting," James whispered, his black, untidy hair falling in his hazel eyes. He glasses sat skewed upon the bridge of his nose. A hush fell around our table once more, many ignoring their own owls, and staring at the hawk that stood before Sirius. He shakily peeled back the flap of the envelop. A bright red card flew out of the envelop, forming a shape similar to a mouth. I heard my name being called, causing me to look up, only to be met with a high pitched scream emitting from the red card. I slammed my hands over my ears, trying to block the horrible noise. I crumpled down into a ball, trying my hardest to get as far away from the sound as possible. People everywhere where cringing in pain, ignoring the sound to the best of their ability. All of a sudden, the noise stopped, and I looked back at Sirius. The small red envelop was there once more, before turning in on itself, and bursting into flames. Embers and ashes fell to the table, landing on top of Sirius' food. A silence fell once more upon our table, others beginning to look up at us, Sirius mostly.

      "Ms. Fernando," Professor Mcgonagall interrupted, causing me to look up. "Here is your schedule. I hope you will have found all of your classes before tomorrow morning." I nodded fervently, already prepared to get up, and roam the corridors of the castle, looking for my classrooms. Sadly, I had to wait for the boys, watching Lily run ahead with Severus. I would have gone with them, but Severus, well, doesn't really like me. Nor do I like him. His disheveled, greasy hair bothered me to no end. I mean, hasn't he ever heard of showers? The wonderful things that clean filth from your body? He probably hasn't. I looked down at my schedule, my eyes widening at all of the classes. Monday, we had two classes: Potions and Defense Against Dark Arts. Charms and History of Magic were on Tuesday. Wednesday, we had "four" classes; Potions, Herbology, Flying Lessons at 3:30, and Astromony at Midnight. My eyes widened to the size of saucers when I saw that we had midnight classes. Charms and Transfiguration were on Thursday. I cocked my head to the side, looking at the back of Professor Mcgonagall, wondering what Transfiguration was. Finally, I looked at Friday's classes, Double Potions. The scraping of benches knocked me out of my reverie. Looking around, I noticed that all of my friends had stood up, looking impatiently at me. Muttering a small sorry, I stood up, holding my timetable in my hand. Looking down once more at my schedule, I folded it up, and put it in the pocket of my robe. Stepping around a boy who stood rapidly in front of me, I lost my footing, falling to the linoleum floor, only to be caught at the elbow by Remus before I could make contact. I smiled appreciatively at him, a small blush forming along my cheekbones. The roots at the top of my hair turning bright pink at I blushed. 

      "Thank you, Remus," I whispered under my breath, thinking that he did not hear it, only to see a small nod of acknowledgment come from him. "Come on, guys!" James hollered from across the room, already at the humongous oak doors of the Great Hall. He stood there, leaning back against them, as the doors rested upon the wall behind them, inches away from slamming into valuable suits of armour. Remus and I shook our head in unison at the behavior that our friends were expressing. James and Sirius were now hooting at girls older than them, emitting giggles from the girls' mouths. Peter stood behind them, almost in the shadows, silently cheering them on, and looking up to them, as if they were gods. I scoffed in annoyance, Remus looking over at me in amusement, before his eyes lingered over the boys we called friends. I stomped over there, allowing as much noise as possible to resonate from my footfalls. I smacked both of them upside the head, hiding laughter behind my hand from their expressions. Remus, too, chuckled, still shy towards us all, least of all, me. 

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