{Reapertale Undertale Au}

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Time start: around 00:00
Time end: prox 00:29
Date of creation:23/2/24
Words: 699 >:}
Extra: the info below is out of imagination and my not be currect, with no research done due to being a lazy mf-er
As there is life there has to be death to keep the balance to keep things stable and running smoothly, without each other the scale shall tip, without death, the life would be to much, taking over everything slowly rotting the dirt with Roots trying to find a small patch of dirt to latch onto , or the small patch of sun rays that fade through the canopy of the leaves above, the nature will take over slowly corrupting itself till there's no more room for the life to go, the humans and animals will stay in a stale of peril not being able to die, in pain because of a critical injury or disease because death does not exist to help them out of the pain to a new life in the underworld, but without life, death will have nothing to reap, nothing will live so nothing will die a barren land full of the past slowly decaying from past life that may have been created before death will slowly dwindle into nothing more leaving past memory's and lost history, a good and a bad to a side of the same coin they simply cannot exist without each other,they do not have to know each other or be keen on each other to keep the balance that's for certain just as they do their job and soul purpose, one to create new life and one to reap of the old the let the new grow to keep it balanced so the world will not decay to nothing, without each other both will lead to nothing so, they do as their told to create life, and to kill life, as saddening as it may be, that is the way it has to be.. Right?, yes..?

....death and gaster have seen glimpses of what may happen in the future in the mirror, a dark peril over the world the sky red and war roaring from the towns souls begging not to die, life not thriving, as.. There is no life anymore the scale has been tipped. Carnage all over the world as death walks on its land his feet never touching the floor but it still withers and wilts under him, a path of his existence, a cruel one at that. Be as it may, the scale hasn't tipped yet, life flourishing around him.. Well.. Not where he walks, it wilts and rots and disinergrates around him the plants wilt and turn brown, another shade of brown, gray, black, dust. He just has to find her, and keep her safe out of harms way as to not upset the balance of the galaxy, the world, even if life does not know it, it is what has to be done. And.. There's just a bit too much of life here it reeks of pure happyness and.. It's newly made, no old and sadness ready to wilt rot and die.. She has to be close.. What will our king think? All of his mourning, the thunderstorms and floods that demolished newly built towns, all because he was mourning the death and loss of his queen and his children. All in a close proximity to each other, gerson had to keep a eye on the king to make sure he doesn't do anything drastic, but all along she was here.. Sure.. Let's add another being to look for, my past queen life.. And that one... H-m@n soul.. No... Their not human anymore.. That demon that even death itself shakes in his cloak just a t the thought.. Heh.. Always so close.. Yet so far.. At least ones closer than the other.. I Am Coming to find you life.. And i may stick for a while.. Just to make sure the balance is well..balanced as it should be,breaks of course to go reap souls and old nature, and life's work to make room for more.. Always important... Death and life will soon come face to face.. After so long of dancing around each other.

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