Refugees and a Feast

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Rimuru: Rigur grab the injured and fall back,
Ranga keep the pink haired on in check and Shizu help guard a Rigur and the others.
Shizu: are you certain you still are up against 5 Ogres and more may be nearby.
Rimuru: I can handle this, I want to solve this peacefully.
Shizu then nods and assists Rigur in retrieving the others and Ranga keeps watch on the pink haired ogre.
As the others are pulling back the red haired one attacks Rimuru, but he dodged, Rimuru then paralyzed the black haired one uses sticky-steel thread on the purple haired, and countered the blue haired one, knocking him out, with the skill Body Armor.
White haired ogre then looks at Rimuru.
White hair: the Centipede's Paralysis Breath, the Black Spider's Sticky Steel Thread, and the Armorsuarus's Body Armor, he may have learned the skills of many other monsters, do not lower your guard, young master.
Rimuru: can we stop this, I don't want to fight, I'd like you to listen to what I have to say.
Red hair: Silence, evil majin!
Shizu On hearing this became a bit angry.
Red hair: I admit you are strong, but that is more proof that you are and orc.
Rimuru: you got it wrong I am not an Or-.
Red hair: silence I know it was all the work of you and your majin l comrades!
As Rimuru tries to reply back the white hair quickly sneaks up behind Rimuru and swings his sword for his neck, Rimuru barely dodges it and gets his lower arm cut off.
White hair: I must be going senile, I was certain I cut off your head, next time I won't miss.
Shizu the suddenly gets very scared not for her safety but about Rimuru's safety. She attempts to charge in to help Rimuru, but he stops her.
Rimuru: don't Shizu I am not that hurt.
Rimuru then picks his arm up and absorbs it then regenerates a new arm.
Rimuru: see they can't kill me just by cutting off my arm.
The 2 ogres are surprised that Rimuru regenerated his arm.
Shizu: ok, just please be safe.
Shizu then returns to help out the goblins.
The red hair then launched a fire attack at Rimuru, when the attack ended they saw Rimuru standing there unharmed.
Rimuru: too bad, fire does not work on me, you are right, I underestimated you, so I will show you what I am like when I'm serious.
Rimuru then takes off his mask and releases a massive black flame attack into the air and used black lighting on a rock.
Pink hair: that flame is not using any nearby magicules, it is only being formed by his pure strength, and the flam's size mirrors his power.
Rimuru: how's that, do you surrender now.
White hair: flee back to the rest of the village with the princess.
Red hair: silence, we may not win but I have my pride as the next leader of our clan!
The pink hair ogre then blocks the red hair one's path.
Pink hair: wait brother, this individual may not be our foe.
Red hair:move, he is a masked majin just live the one that is probably leading the orcs, you said so yourself.
Pink hair: yes, but think about this calmly, he has enough power to kill us easily, so why would he use orcs to attack our village when he could have done it himself, it makes no sense.
Benimaru: majin use others to attack sometimes to hide their plans.
The red hair readies and attack but gets interrupted.
Masculine Voice: hold it son, your sister is telling the truth.
Everyone looks towards where the ogres came from and see an older red haired ogre come out with a few more ogres.
Young Red hair: but father this guy is clearly a majin and he has a mask.
Older red hair: that doesn't mean this guy is related to the ones that attacked our village, besides, my danger sense skill is not picking up on any threats from him.
The younger red hair then lowers his sword and Rimuru extinguishes his flames with ease.
Pink hair: who are you?
Rimuru: I'm just a slime.
Rimur then transforms into a slime and hands his mask to the pink hair ogre.
Rimuru: This mask is a gift from a friend of mine, you can check to see if it is the same mask as the one who attacked you.
The ogres then check out the mask.
Young Red hair: this mask does seem similar but.
Pink hair: this mask contains anti-magic power, the one that we met was not concealing their aura.
The young red hair then bowed and apologized to Rimuru.
Older red hair: sorry if my clan offended in anyway we are a bit stressed out after being forced to move to a safer location because of an army of Orcs.
Rimuru: I accept your apology, I assume you are the ogres Tyrni told me about.
Older red hair: ah you must be the one the dryad mentioned, I won't ask how you knew,but thank you for warning our tribe of the orcs.
rimuru: no mentioned it, anyhow let gather everyone so we can all head back to the village.
Rimuru then heals everyone while the pink haired ogre reversed the spell to wake everyone up.
As the group heads towards the village Rimuru finds out that the ogres like many monsters don't have name.

The refugees arrive at the camp shortly and gets settled, it is now night time and Rimuru gives out an announcement.

Rimuru: I know accepting all of the ogre refugees all of a sudden can be strange, but it would be wrong to let them wonder around without a home, so let's start to us feast to celebrate our new neighbors.
The feast starts and the goblins start talking to the refugees while Rimuru, Kaijin, The two red haired ogre that seems to be leaders, the old white hair ogre, as well as Rigur and Rigurd.
Kaijin spits out his drink.
Kaijin: the orcs attack the ogre, are you certain.
Young red hair: I am certain, the dryads confirmed it.
Gobta: is it really that strange?
Kaijin: ogres are much stronger than orcs.
Elder red hair: they still came after us, they would have used their numbers and the iron armor they had to overwhelm us, the armor is the same type that humans use.
Rigurd: if that is the case then it is likely that they are not working alone.
Kaijin: they couldn't have gather up that much armor without help.
Elder red hair: the dryad told us that there was a masked high level majin there as well which also had a different mask than the one we first met, but the timing between the first majin attempting to recruit us and the majin that attacked us is almost too perfect.
Rigurd: the orc probably sided with a demon lord.
Rimuru: a demon lord?
Kaijin: that is correct: there are 10 demon lords total, and they typically are the one who are pulling the strings for unreasonable actions such as this.
Rimuru: so what are your guy's plan for the future.
Elsder red hair: what do you mean?
Rimuru:whether you find a more permanent home somewhere else or relocate to somewhere else, your clan's fate is still up to your leadership, right?
Young red hair: that's easy we will build our strength to properly face them.
Rimuru: so you know where they're currently at?
The young red hair gets surprised.
Rimuru(so he had no proper plan to handle this)
Rimuru: I have an idea are you guys interested in being my subordinates, I can only give you guaranteed food, shelter, and clothing, you still need a base right.
Elder red hair: wouldn't that mean you're village will be dragged into our fight.
Rimuru:I am not offering this as a favor, there are thousands of armed orcs, and if a demon lord is the cause of this the village would be completely safe.
Rimuru: which is way adding to our number as much as possible would benefit us, plus if anything happens I will fight with you, I never abandon a friend.
Young red hair: what do you think father.
Elder red hair: I will leave this decision up to you son.
Young red hair: what do you mean, aren't you the leader of our clan?
Elder red hair: I believe that if we hadn't gotten warned the most that could have escaped were you and the others, since you could at least rebuild the tribe.
Elder red hair: you would have discovered this village eventually, so I will let you be the one to decide our tribe's fate, to either serve a powerful ruler or to wander to find a new home.
Rimuru(he is very wise to think this far ahead.)
Young red hair: I need time to think about it.
Rimuru: take as long as you need, welp I will get more food.
Rimuru then leaves to get more food.

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