Chapter IX: Being contained.../Sycamore arrives!

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While Mairin made her way to where Alain was still Battling at the moment, Lysandre took Steven to the room where the Giant Stone was being held and explaining things of why he was keeping it there for now until the time came to use it for peaceful purposes!

Lysandre: As you can see, I've consecrated this so there is no energy leakage...

Steven gasped, remembering the events in Hoeen all too well as Lysandre explained it was to prevent an incident like they experienced before!

Steven Stone: (Gasps)

Lysandre: To prevent an incident like we experienced before!

Steven nods, remembering what Mairin said to Chespie before she left to continue her Journey to get stronger on her own after Alain got badly hurt during the Hoeen Crisis!

Mairin stood by Alain's unconscious side, knowing what she had to do... Face Astrid again after all these Years! She knows what happened before in Hoeen can never happen again in Kalos and that she definitely doesn't wanna lose to that girl!

Mairin: I know... What happened before can never happen again... And I definitely don't wanna lose to that girl!

While Chespie and Steven both expressed their worry and concern about that, the young Rookie explained that ever since she left on her own to become a Pokemon Performer, Chespie, he, Alain and everyone else at the Lab have been so friendly... And she's had more fun in her life than she ever thought that she could... Everyone here in Kalos wants to complete in either the Master Class Tournament or the Pokemon League, well she's looking forward to it too! And she also knows that both Diantha the Champion and Professor Sycamore have been working so hard to make something where everyone can have fun... 

Chespie: Ches?

Steven Stone: But Mairin... 

Mairin: Ever since I left on my own to become a Pokemon Performer, Chespie, you, Alain and everyone else at the Lab has been so friendly... And I've had more fun in my life than I ever thought that she could... Everyone here in Kalos wants to compete in either the Master Class Tournament or the Pokemon League... Well, I'm looking forward to it too! And I also know that both Diantha the Champion and Professor Sycamore have been working so hard to make something where everyone can have fun!

Mairin frowned while gripping her Keystone tightly; knowing that, unlike Alain, Astrid just doesn't have a clue!

Mairin: But not that girl... She just doesn't have a clue!

Steven Stone: M-Mairin... 

Mairin: That's why... I won't let her beat me!

Mairin reached into her travelling backpack and pulled out her anillite Doll that Aria gave to her at a younger age and hugged it tightly in her arms as she gazed out the window of the room she was in with Alain before she started to write her Letter to him...

Mairin: "Sorry, Alain... I didn't mean to break the promise I made..."

Steven frowns, hoping that Mairin has the strength and courage to face Astird again after all these years... At the same time, Professor Sycamore had just arrived at the Lab! He knows that Alain has held a lot of feelings inside for the last Two Years, and he's not making him wait another day... And Lysandre tries to get in his way, he'll live to regret it!

Professor Sycamore: Alain has held a lot of feelings inside for the last Two Years, Mairin... I'm not making him wait another day... And Lysandre tries to get in my way, he'll live to regret it!

And with that, the Professor rushes off to find his youngest missing Assistant!

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