Chapter One

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(Katniss' POV.)

Tick tock. Tick tock. My tired eyes shift over to the old clock above the fireplace. The crackling orange flames fill me with sorrow, the memories beginning to claw their way back in.

This time it's Cinna's face haunting me, making me wish even more that he was still alive. It's the same way with Prim, my father, Finnick, everyone. Simple things remind me of that person, making me dwell more on the fact that I'll never see them again.

I picture Cinna's delicately drawn gold eyeliner, attracting more attention to his beautifully crafted brown eyes. The same brown eyes that could get one good look at me, then design magnificent clothing stitched with such beauty and District Twelve pride, it was overwhelming.

He didn't do the typical coal miner get-up all the past designers went with. He brought a more brilliant idea to the table. People ate every single outfit up, amazed each time. So was I. The man was a genius.

I was turned into a symbol of hope, inspiring people to stand up against the Capitol. Cinna did the impossible, setting the Star-Crossed Lovers of District Twelve on fire, branding me as the Girl On Fire. This is a title that will never leave me, and I will cherish forever. A soft voice suddenly breaks my train of thought.

"Katniss?" he whispers, his delicate blue eyes studying me closely.

Peeta's gentle lips meet mine before I even have time to reply. I hold onto this kiss for a long time, his touch instantly soothing me. He brings his hands up to my cheeks, carefully wiping away the tears I didn't realize were there.

Words aren't needed anymore to explain why things like this happen. Why I find myself crying when I think about the past. Why we wake some nights, screaming the names of those we love. Nightmares are far from uncommon for either of us, Peeta's warm embrace being the only thing able to calm me down.

"I love you," he whispers, his lips brushing against my ear. Peeta presses his forehead against mine, looking deep into my eyes.

"I love you too," I reply, planting a kiss on his forehead.

Peeta's lips curl into a smile as he slowly stands up, making his way back to the kitchen. I lean back in the rocking chair, my gaze switching back to the flames that warm the small room.

"Daddy and I are ready to show you what we made," a little voice says from the entrance to the kitchen. I look up, a smile beginning to form.

The voice came from Finnius, the young boy so closely resembling his father. His blond hair is swept messily to the side, his entire face covered in a thin layer of flour. I can't help but laugh at the baking hat propped crookedly on his head.

Before I even have time to get up, Finnius is already at my side, locking his fingers between mine. He tugs on me, giggling. We enter the kitchen, his hand still wrapped tightly around mine.

A laugh escapes my lips as he rushes around the kitchen, gathering clean plates to set on the table.

"Did you guys make something yummy?" I ask, taking a seat at the table. He flashes me a grin, nodding excitedly.

Peeta's arms suddenly wrap around my neck. He pulls me into a quick kiss, smiling down at me.

"Finn is just like his father when it comes to baking," I whisper up to him, smiling.

He lets out a light laugh, nodding his head in agreement as he takes a seat next to me.

"I'm gonna be a baker when I grow up, just like dad," Finnius says to us, his back still turned as he continues to prepare the big reveal. I raise an eyebrow at Peeta, curious to know what they baked.

Peeta shakes his head, refusing to tell me. The door to the kitchen suddenly swings open, revealing our daughter Rose. Her dirty blond braid swings loosely to the side, her forehead damp with sweat. She takes a seat next to Peeta, looking up at us with curious brown eyes.

"What did you and Finn make?" Rose asks him, her eyes wide with excitement.

Peeta gently pats Rose's back, smiling down at her. "The little guy and I refuse to tell. You'll just have to wait and see."

Rose's eyes shift over to mine, her lips curling into a wide smile.

"I finally hit the bullseye today," she says in a soft voice, her eyes lighting up with pride. I reach over and give her hand a light squeeze, the smile not leaving my face.

"I'm so proud of you, Rose." I whisper, trying my best not to begin crying again. Peeta must notice how close I am to tears, his fingers now locked between mine.

Rose flashes me a smile, the pride not leaving her beautiful brown eyes. I lean back in my seat, holding on tightly to Peeta's hand. Memories of my first time with a bow, flood my mind. Some good, some bad.

It reminds me of hunting with Gale, that being the reason my mother, Prim and I were able to survive without our father. The memories build on one another, blurring together into one big mess. Right when I'm about to lose it, I'm pulled into another quick kiss, Peeta's gentle lips becoming my escape from the pain.

I nuzzle my head into his shoulder, letting myself calm down once again. A pan suddenly slides across the table, revealing a hot batch of cheese buns. The delicious smell fills the room, all the pain now forgotten about. I pull Finnius into a big hug, running my fingers through his messy hair. I can feel him giggling into my shirt, the flour from his face brushing off onto the fabric.

"Thank you. They look amazing," I whisper into his ear, planting a kiss on his cheek. He scrambles around the table, taking the buns from the pan and placing them onto all of our plates.

"Dad told me they were your favorite," he whispers from across the table as he takes a seat, placing the last piece of bread onto his own plate.

I look over at Peeta, his eyes now trained on mine. Warmth spreads all over me as I take a bite of the bread, the delicious flavor of cheese exploding in my mouth. Finnius smiles at this, clearly very proud of the reactions he's getting from us.

I find myself now looking at my two beautiful children, noticing every feature I hadn't noticed before. Finnius so closely resembles Peeta, it's unbelievable. The same blond hair and light blue eyes. The same passion for baking and a creative mind.

I look over at Rose, noticing how much we look alike. As I look more, I notice that she actually is a strong mix of both Peeta and I. She has the same sloped nose as Peeta, but her smile mirroring mine. It reminds me of the times in the meadow with Gale, when I declared how strongly I was against having children and getting married.

Without the Hunger Games, I know my children will always be safe from harm. Having children and marrying Peeta has made me more happy than I had ever dreamed it would be like to have a family back then. I know now that without them, I wouldn't be alive.

I would have went through with starving myself to death. Peeta, Rose and Finnius are my true escapes from pain.

Just like I cherish the beautiful memories I still have of those I lost, I know I will always cherish the family I have. The Girl On Fire and the Boy With The Bread together doesn't sound the same way it did back then. It sounds better.

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