Chapter Eight

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(Peeta's POV.)

"Can I have what you're drinking?" Finnius asks, his eyes intently studying the bottle of alcohol in Haymitch's hand. A light laugh escapes my lips, everyone soon joining in.

"Why's that so funny?" he continues, shoveling a forkful of chocolate cake into his mouth mid-sentence.

Haymitch turns to face him, taking one last chug of alcohol. "Sorry, little guy. You have to wait until you're older." He replies with a smirk, setting his empty bottle down on the porch floor.

"Why?" Finnius asks, his eyebrows beginning to furrow in confusion. I turn to him, running my fingers through his messy blond hair.

"It's just a rule, Finn. Like how you can't call Rose bad names? That's a rule that can't be broken or it comes with consequences. Breaking rules isn't something you want to have as a habit." I inform him, my lips curling into a smile.

Katniss joins in on the conversation, setting her plate of cake down as she scoots closer.

"Besides, that drink makes you do strange things. Take Haymitch for example," she begins, laughing lightly as she explains. "One time after drinking too much, he dove off of a stage head first into a crowd of people. It was a serious moment too. Then, here comes Haymitch, flying off of the stage."

Haymitch glares at her, beginning to stroke his beard with his thumb. I think back to that day during the reaping; how much fear I had of possibly being chosen. That fear came true, changing my life forever.

Haymitch definitely didn't make that experience easy; always getting sick on the expensive carpet, me being the one cleaning him up and putting him to bed. It was like having an over-sized baby when it came to him being drunk; always vomiting and making a mess of his clothing. It's nice to see that he's cut down a lot more, Effie helping with that cause.

Finnius explodes into giggles, wiping tiny tears from his eyes as he repeats the story, unable to hold back the laughter. "Milk definitely doesn't make me want to fly," he exclaims, laughing harder.

We all join in on the laughter, wiping away our own tears as we re-picture the image in our minds.

"You should have seen him on our second date," Effie starts, fluffing out her wig as she explains. "I came over to have dinner. You'll never guess what I found him doing when I got there."

"What was he doing?" Rose and Finnius both ask anxiously, their eyes wide with excitement.

A shy laugh escapes Effie's lips, her hand now pressed to her forehead as she thinks back. "I stepped into the kitchen and there he was; dancing in his underwear on the kitchen table, chugging down a huge bottle of liquor!" she exclaims, exploding into laughter.

Haymitch rolls his eyes playfully, his lips curling into a smile. "That's how I won her over," he adds on, planting a sloppy kiss on her cheek.

We all laugh at this, the idea definitely sounding possible. "That's how I won Katniss over too," I add on, flashing Katniss a playful smile as I wrap my arm around her, pulling her in closer to me.

She rolls her eyes, her mouth twisting into a wide smile as she lets out a light giggle, nodding her head in agreement. Finnius and Rose's heads both snap over to us, their eyebrows rising in confusion.

"That's really how you fell in love?" Rose asks in quiet voice, scooting closer to us.

I tilt my head, Katniss' deep gray eyes now finding mine. We both shake our heads, mentally debating on whether or not it's safe enough to tell them.

Growing up in a different time period then us, hunger is something they don't face. If they're hungry, all they have to do is get a quick snack from the kitchen. That definitely wasn't the picture when it was us in their shoes. Hunger pains were normal; your body beginning to grow used to them. I personally didn't have to deal with strong hunger until the Games; my family owning a bakery definitely the reason. Katniss wasn't so lucky.

I turn to Rose and Finnius, looking deep into both of their eyes as I figure out how to word my story. "No, that's not how we fell in love. I fell in love with your mother much earlier than that; back when she had two braids instead of one."

That last detail makes Rose smile brighter, both her and Finnius' ears beginning to perk up in interest.

"We were both five; my father pointing her out to me. I saw her again at school, my eyes immediately spotting her. But when she sang? I knew for sure that I was in love with her, no doubt about it. Even that young, the birds fell silent for her beautiful voice. So did I," I explain, my lips curling into a shy smile as I think back, warmth beginning to spread all over.

Katniss' eyes haven't left mine for one second, her face now brightening up. I plant a gentle kiss on her forehead, intertwining my fingers with hers.

"You knew you loved mommy, even that young?" Finnius asks me, his eyes now wide with amazement. I don't even hesitate to nod.

"I'm completely sure," I whisper, my eyes not leaving Katniss'.

From the corner of my eye I notice Haymitch studying us closely, his hands not even touching his glass of alcohol anymore. He suddenly scoots his chair closer to us, the wooden legs letting out a loud screeching sound as they scrape against the porch floor.

"Hey, how about I tell you two kiddos some more stories while your parents go have some mom and dad time? I brought some food as well, if you guys are hungry." Haymitch explains to Finnius and Rose, his lips twisting into a smile as he exchanges looks with both of them.

Both kids hop up from their spots on the ground, eagerly bouncing up and down near his chair. "That sounds fun!" they both exclaim at the same time, smiles spreading across their faces from ear to ear.

Effie leads them through the backyard and to the front, both of them clutching onto her hands. Just as Haymitch is about to follow along, he passes by me, his lips now inches away from my ear.

"The Star-Crossed Lovers deserve some one-on-one time. I'll handle the kids," he whispers, patting my back just before he begins walking in the direction Effie and the kids went.

I turn to face Katniss, my smile now so big it's making my cheeks hurt.

(Katniss' POV.)

"It's nice having someone to watch the kids for once," Peeta says with a laugh, leaning down to begin tying his loose shoelaces. I can't help but smile as I watch him closely, his fingers gently looping the laces around twice. The same Peeta Mellark that I married so many years ago still stands the same; the one that loves the color of the sunset, doesn't take sugar in his tea, double knots his shoelaces, and sleeps with the windows open. He's still the same man that I fell in love with.

"Definitely not something we're used to," I respond with a smirk, looking down at him as he slowly stands up. His arms now embrace me, pulling me closer in.

Our lips gently meet, immediately starting a spark of passion that slowly begins to blaze inside me. Peeta's hand moves up my back, instantly setting the passion to fully lit flames. It's making me crave more. We both collapse onto the bed, my heartbeat beginning to beat harder in my chest.

I run my fingers through his hair, my other hand pressed against his chest as our lips continue to join, the flames growing stronger. Peeta's hand cups my chin, his lips now pressing against my neck; moving up to my cheek, then back down to my lips. Each little touch sends a sensation to my chest, sparks beginning to fly like crazy.

My hand tugs at his shirt, slowly dragging it off of his chest. I can feel his heartbeat beginning to pound much louder, his face starting to break out in a sweat. His lips find mine again, all of his strength now being put into full gear.

Peeta's arms are now fully wrapped around me, his hands fingers now gently massaging my back. Both of our breathing grows much faster, the passion as strong as ever. His lips trace my ear, a tickling sensation following. I giggle lightly at the touch, my fingers intertwining with his.

"You still have no idea, the effect you can have." He whispers, smiling against my lips.

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