Chapter 4

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The next day I knew I needed to give him my answer. That I would agree to be his fake fiancé in exchange for him giving me freedom from my parents. Even though I let the fates decide what I would do, why do I feel so unsure about this decision? Was it because it's Rafael or is it because I'm scared to defy my parents? I mean after all is said and done who is to say he would even give me the money; I could just be some pawn in a bigger game he is trying to play.

Either way, I won't know until I talk to him about this. I have to put some faith in this cocky man, as much as it pains me to say that. He might be an asshole but I'm hoping he isn't that big of one. I don't usually trust people but I know that my parents' toxic behavior is not something good to carry on throughout my entire life;I really don't need that passing off to the next generation of kids.

I finish getting ready for school, look in the mirror, take a deep breath, then pick up my phone to text Rafael. Even though I made my decision there was no way I was going to say it to his face. I already know that he would tease me immensely for it. At least this way I don't have to see what his face looks like when I tell him. I click on his number and type out the text, but right as I'm about to hit send I stop. My hand's become extremely shaky, knowing that once I send this text there is no going back. Even so, I knew I had to do this. Prank or not, this was my only hope of ever being myself. So, I took another deep breath, looked away from my phone, and hit send.

Within thirty seconds of me sending the text I get a reply,

Rafael: Really? You want to go through with my idea?

Rhea: Yes. I don't know why I'm trusting you right now but I am. So, are we going to come up with a contract or a plan for all of this?

Rafael: Of course, you don't have to worry about that. I already hired a lawyer to write a contract and go over it with both of us. You can obviously add or take away more rules once we get to that point but for now, I feel like it's a good starting point.

Rhea: Good, I'm glad you at least took that measure. When do you want to meet up to go over this?

Rafael: Today, hopefully. I was honestly hoping you would say yes right away so in the case that you did I would be prepared to get the process started as soon as possible.

Rhea: Sounds good to me. I'll meet you at the Cafe again after I'm done with my classes. Do not try to convince me to skip again or the deal is off.

Rafael: Haha, alright I get it. Don't worry I wouldn't dare anger the beast.

Did he just call me a beast? Whatever, I'm not even going to worry about it right now. Knowing that there was a solid plan in mind I felt more at ease. The fact that he was so confident I would say yes pisses me off. I can't be that easy to read. I mean I do have some things I can hide well. Before thinking too much on the subject I realize I'm going to be late, again. He really has a way of always making me late for things. Honestly feels like he's doing it on purpose now so that I can't outdo him for top of the class, what a jerk.

Before I could even walk into class Cara is standing right in the doorway, giving me a disgusted look. I wanted to ignore her and just get into class but before I could do that, she yanked my arm and pulled me back out of the room.

"Cara, let go of me now. You and I both know what happens if we are late to class so whatever you need to talk to me about can wait until after." I said, ripping my arm from her grasp.

"I know you're seeing someone behind my back." She yells.

I turn back around to see her standing with a smug look and her arms crossed. Could it be that she knows about Rafael already? Maybe it was that girl who was standing outside of his dorm room, this could cause problems for me if it's already spreading this quickly. Although, he and I are about to get into a fake relationship so maybe it's a good thing if people know about it. Plus it would be an amazing way to rub it in Cara's face that I have someone and she doesn't.

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