Chapter 14

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That awkward silence came right back the second he started to drive. There was a moment where I took a glance at him only to see that the pouting look had turned to anger instead of disappointment. He couldn't have been happy about my decision to bring Hiroko into the house but at this point it felt like there was no other option. The more I dove into his world the more danger I would be putting myself in. Either way I'll be immersed into their worlds but at least this way my safety would be more secure. With me being a lowly servant no one would have me out as a target anymore. It would make them pity me more than anything; seeing me go from his girlfriend to his servant. People would either make fun of me or pity me, both of which I was perfectly fine with. As long as I wasn't in the direct line of danger anymore.

We finally arrived at the school and next to Rafael's car was one that looked almost identical to the one Hiroko drove off in. It was a navy blue car with black stripes going down the side of it. There were tinted windows so dark you couldn't even see into it without having to go right up to it. The logo on the front said it was a BMW which was exactly the same logo as the car she was driving this morning. Did Hiroko go to our school all this time? It would make sense in hindsight. She did know where I went to school and was even there. I had just assumed it was because she followed me.

"Rafael, do you know if Hiroko goes here? That looks strangely like her car." I ask, turning towards Rafael and pointing towards her car.

"It would be best if you didn't ask questions. Even if she did go here, you wouldn't possibly be allowed to know what she looks like. If this puts anything into perspective I can't even know what she looks like or where she goes to school. If that is her car, I couldn't care less and I will not dive deeper into the situation. I suggest you do the same." He said, giving me these dead eyes and a slight frown.

This was the most serious I had ever seen Rafael before. For someone who supposedly hates his ex, he sure does care about her wellbeing a lot. Why do I care though? It's not like Rafael and I are actually together so it doesn't matter if he cares for someone else. So why is it making my chest tighten? It's the same feeling as when Hiroko told me how much she cares for Rafael. I can't put my finger on this feeling.

I nodded my head at him and gave him a slight smile before he got out of the car and came to my side of the door. After that one time of not opening the door he hasn't done that since. Maybe it was just an off day for him but now he always makes sure to open the car door for me and take my hand to help me out. This was a low sitting car so of course he would help me. But, his touch felt like there was something more lingering. Just beneath the surface. There was no use looking too much into it so I just took his hand and we both went our separate ways for the day.

Our plan was simple for how we would let everyone know we weren't an item anymore. We simply would just avoid each other at all costs, people will catch on eventually. Once the rumors spread like wildfire, Rafael will start taking very public calls from Hiroko to show that he has someone new in his life. This will settle everything and completely smooth things over. We didn't know how long it was going to take but clearly this school had a niche for spreading rumors so I'm sure it won't take long.

When I walk to my first class Cara is directly in front of the door, leaning against the door frame. I tried to just walk right by her but she had other plans and blocked the door completely with her body.

"May I help you?" I ask, giving a slight snarl.

"My poor, sweet, naive Rhea. Going through a breakup must be so tough for you." She said, mocking me.

"How did you know about that?" I said, the worry rising in my voice.

"So it is true then? Me and the girls were just making an assumption based on the fact that you two didn't come into school together today. Or that he hasn't walked you to class today either. They thought you just got into some silly argument, but I had a funny feeling there was more to it. I guess I was right." She let out a slight laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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