Chapter 2

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After the class ended I tried to get out of there as quickly as possible but of course, Cara somehow packed up quicker than me and raced me out. I tried to ignore her but before I knew it she was dragging me by my arm into the bathroom. I knew she was about to give me hell considering she just wrinkled a designer shirt.

"What the fuck were you thinking, Rhea? That was not only humiliating for me, but for you as well. Imagine what your parents are going to say when I tell them. Usually, I can cover up for your ass but this time went way too far. I get you might have been upset but why would you practically yell it out loud, now whenever someone sees me walk in with you they will assume that I'm also like that." She says, her face so red from anger it looked like a tomato. The bulges in her forehead meant business as she refuses to let anything wrinkle her perfect complexion.

"I don't know alright, Cara. Is that what you want to hear from me? I fucked up I know that. I honestly didn't mean to say that out loud, I thought I just said it in my head. Do you have any idea how it feels to be compared to someone like him? To have your father say he'd rather have him as a child than me? It's humiliating, absolutely soul-crushing. Go ahead and tell Father I truly do not care anymore." I say. Before she can even get another word out I storm out of the bathroom and head to my hideout.

I go to the place no one in this school would ever dare step foot in, the basement of the dorms; more specifically the boiler room. The only room anyone ever goes in down here is the laundry room, all the other rooms are seen as creepy or dangerous. This makes it perfect for me when I need to be alone and think.

Right now I would love nothing more than to just sit here for the rest of the semester and rot but I know I need to suck it up and calm down. What I said to Cara was a little out of line but I just couldn't stand her pushing me around anymore. She always uses my father as a threat to get me to do what she wants and act how she wants. I've had enough of it so while it was mean I do not regret how I treated her.

I decided I would just rest my eyes here for a few minutes to calm down. Not an amazing idea to rest my eyes around a bunch of boilers but it truly is better than making a public scene again so it was a risk I was willing to take. This room honestly felt more comfortable than any bed I've ever been in. I know there is no judgment and that I'm(sort of)safe here. Everything in this world might be crumbling around me, but at least I know I have one safe space free of anyone. Somewhere where I can peacefully rest my eyes and forget about the world. So that's exactly what I'll do, just drift off and be at peace for a little while. So I close my eyes and slowly, but surely, I feel my entire body relax.

After what felt like five minutes of resting my eyes I checked my phone to see if anyone had messaged me. When I looked down I saw that three hours have passed since I rest my eyes. I jump up from the floor and start running back to my dorm room. The RA of the floor checks to make sure no one is out past nine(which is curfew)and currently, it was 8:55.

I sprint back to my dorm room making sure to make as little noise as possible and avoiding as many people as possible. Of course, I stumble by other people who are also trying to make it back to their dorm in time, we just exchange looks quicker than we run in our separate directions. After what felt like sprinting forever, I made it back to our dorm room with three minutes to spare but as I'm about to open the door I find that it was locked. I look to the right of the door at our whiteboard to see that Cara had written a little note for me,

Have fun getting caught loser!

I can't believe her right now, is she serious? So not only is she going to tell my father about today but she's also going to get me in trouble with the RA. Knowing my RA he will contact the dean about my rogue behavior which then will result in him contacting my parents. I'll be dead the second my parents find out that I had two huge screw-ups in one day. I feel like this day couldn't get any worse but knowing me there is always one thing right after the other that comes up.

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