Chapter 8

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The rest of the ride is silent except for the music that is playing throughout the car. When we finally get to the house, it is the largest house I've ever seen. I knew some rich ass people went to our school but this takes it to a whole other level. You would think a celebrity lived in this house. I mean who needs a house this big? Rafael drives through the round circle up to the main stars of the house where valet's were waiting for people to pull up. A short man with a ponytail came up to the car and stood at the side of it waiting for us to get out. When we get out the valet holds out his hand and waits for Rafael to hand him the keys. Rafael gives the valet a slight nod and smile then takes my hand to walk up the stairs into the house.

There must have been a hundred stairs before we entered the house. When we got inside it had ceilings as high up as I could see, beautiful marble floors, multiple marble pillars on either side of us, and a spiral staircase which I assume leads to the second floor in the middle of the layout. The party was decorated with gold and white balloons, an ice sculpture right by the stairs that was shaped in what I assume is Caroline's face, lights everywhere, streamers coming down from the ceiling, and a dance room to our direct right. Even though this house was huge it was still packed tight with people. If I wasn't holding on to Rafael's hand I would have already been lost by now. You couldn't walk anywhere without someone's shoulders rubbing against you either.

One thing that was painfully obvious that I noticed right as we walked in was everyone's eyes on us. Even people who were in the middle of a conversation stopped to whisper to their friends' about us, more specifically about me. I could only imagine what they were saying, but I didn't need to hear what they were saying. Their eyes told me everything I needed to know, "Why is she here with him." I forgot that I was even in a house because all I could see was their piercing gazes. It was so suffocating I felt like throwing up at any second now. My head was getting fuzzy and the room started to spin.

Desperately, I look up to Rafael almost begging him with my eyes to take me anywhere but right here. He took the hint almost immediately and led me upstairs, most likely trying to find an empty room to sit in for a minute. When we got up the stairs there were more people up there, all of them watching us walk through the hall. If I wasn't about to pass out right now I wouldn't have kept going, I would have sucked it up and just continued on with our night. Now everyone will think we are going in a room to 'do it'. Which I suppose in reality wasn't a terrible thing but it also didn't feel very good either.

Finally he finds a room that isn't locked and is empty. He takes one more glance around to see if anyone is around, pulls me into the room, then shuts the door locking it once I'm inside.

"What's wrong, Rhea? What happened out there." He says, leading me to the bed to sit me down. A look of worry plastered on his face.

"It was suffocating Rafael. They were all staring at us, judging me. They weren't judging you because God forbid they judge you. But me, I'm just some nobody who happens to be smart. I know what they were thinking about me and it's hurtful and terrifying. I've never had to feel this way before so I'm so overwhelmed right now." I say, burying my face into my hands, almost muffling what I'm saying.

"I'm sorry, Rhea. I didn't know you were feeling this way. You just always seemed so invincible to me. It seemed like nothing could phase you so I wasn't worried about your wellbeing before we came here. That was my mistake and I'm sorry, I should have kept a better eye on you or at least asked you how you felt on the car ride here. Take your time, we can stay here as long as you need." He says, placing his hand on my cheek.

I don't know if I was just too mentally exhausted or if his touch genuinely felt nice, but I pressed into his hand and closed my eyes. The warmth of his hand felt soothing and calming, like there was nothing around but this warmth. Something about it felt so familiar but I knew there was no one on this planet who ever held me like this. At least, not that I can remember.

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