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(Mina pov)

"Mina my dear, do you see your line  yet?" My mother, the queen asked softly, with a sigh I answered her, "sadly not, mother"

"Oh well, don't worry too much, it'll come when the time is right"

"It's taking too long though, what if I am destined to be alone forever...?"

"Oh don't be so negative Mina, you know that could never be. With that pretty face? You could never be fated without anyone" my mother tried to comfort, I mean she was right, but what if I won't find my soulmate? No one in the royal family has that ever happened to, so all the more reason that it would happen to me!!

"Oh by the way, your friends are coming—"

"MINA!" A voice I recognized screamed from the steps below my bedroom chambers. 

"And there they are. I'll leave you all alone to that then" I nodded at my mother and stood up begrudgingly in this big puffy dress to go and greet them.

As soon as I opened the door, I was nearly tackled to the floor by a hug

"Ok ok calm down Sana, remember you're a princess too right?"

"Mina, you of anyone knows I could care less for this role, especially when it comes to my friends. Plus we haven't seen each other in a LONG TIME" Sana was so hype today, I can never keep up with her antics

"Don't exaggerate, it hasn't been that long" 

"Move out the way hag" Nayeon said and pushed Sana off me before also hugging me

"No fair." Sana pouted and crossed her arms

"'Oh don't get salty now Minatozaki," Momo said from the doorway 

"Momo! I didn't think you'd be coming today" I said and moved away from Nayeon

"Honestly I have no clue how I'm here either so don't ask me" she laughed and hugged me

"We haven't seen each other in a long time" Nayeon said to everyone

"Guess we've all been busy, no?" I said

"—h-how many t-times do I have to tell you not to run Sana???" Jeongyeon, Sana's personal assistant came up running from the steps, trying to catch her breath, said

"Hehe sorry"

"MOMO!" Jihyo, Momo's personal assistant pushed through Jeongyeon and ran to Momo, but Momo ran away around my huge room.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO RUN UP THE STEPS AND NOT TO LEAVE MY SIGHT" Jihyo yelled, god her voice is loud T-T

"Ok ok I'm sorry Jihyo!" Momo said while hiding behind me

"Calm down Jihyo" Dahyun, my personal assistant said softly and grabbed Jihyo's hand to move her away from Momo

"Nayeon— I swear if you push me down the steps again—that rabbit is going to be beheaded—" Tzuyu, Nayeon's personal knight said at the doorway. She wanted to have a knight rather than an assistant beside her at all times for some reason 

"Heyyyyyyyyy you can't do that!"

"Oh why not? I found that rabbit and was about to kill it, but nooooooo you came suddenly when I was about to shoot my arrow and saved the damn thing" 

"Sanaaaaaaa help me here"

"Well I mean, unless you want to give me that rabbit—"

"You already have a hamster AND a squirrel, you aren't having my rabbit too"

"Ok that's fair"

"Anyway, have you guys gotten your string yet?" I asked after watching my once quiet room, turn into a zoo

"Nope, you?" Momo answered

"Me neither. I'm starting to feel like this is hopeless"

"Are you kidding me Myoui? YOU the Myoui Mina? Thinks that you won't find your soulmate??" Nayeon said shockingly but with a hint of sarcasm 

"I'm being serious here Nayeon! A bunch of people already have their strings, but why not me" I pouted a little and sat on my bed

"We don't have ours either so why are you worrying so much Mina?" Sana jumped in. 

"Well yeah, but I know you guys are gonna find your soulmates, I just don't know about myself."

"Are you kidding me Mina? You have the highest chance of a soulmate than any of us!" Nayeon said 

"No way! Do you see how many people who swoon over Sana all the time?? Then people literally CLIMBING on the walls of your manor! Momo wasn't even allowed to go out anymore because of the crowds whenever she was spotted for crying out loud!" 

"Oh please remember that one time when FIVE WHOLE TOWNS TRAVELED TO JUST SEE YOU???" Nayeon said while raising an eyebrow 

"Ok ok we get it you guys are pretty and everyone loooovesss you" Tzuyu said while looking unamused from the doorway

"You know you can come in and join us right?" Sana asked as she walked closer to Tzuyu

"I'm  afraid not princess, it's my duty to stand guard even when no harm appears to be present" Tzuyu bowed slightly and smiled at Sana

"Hey! Why are you never that nice to me Tzuyu??" Nayeon shouted, Sana was walking towards Momo, but being as clumsy as she is, she tripped on something

"Careful there princess" Tzuyu said after she caught Sana in her arms and laughing a bit 

"Stop flirting with her Tzuyu! Let the girl breathe god damnit!" Tzuyu let go of Sana as the girl herself stumbled a bit from, aftershock?

"Language Im!" Jihyo said 

"Oh my bad" Nayeon sees Jihyo as more of a friend than someone under her, in fact, we all see one another as friends and not a servant of some sort

"Oh by the way, we just got the garden finished up if you guys wanna go see it" I said and saw the way Sana and Nayeon's eyes lit up

"Of course we do!" Sana tried running out the door but was stopped by Tzuyu

"You sure you know where you're even going?" Sana shook her head "then how about you wait for everyone to come? Princess Myoui's estate is rather large" Tzuyu was far too caring and gentle with Sana and only Sana. Maybe because she's more prone to getting hurt?

"Yeah what she said I'm not about to chase you around this palace Sana" Jeongyeon chimed in

"Well come on then" I go up from my bed and started to lead the way out. The garden was so big and we needed more land just to add it in. It was an inside garden of course, it now makes up like 70% of the entire West Wing.

"You ok Momo?" I asked, she was being so quiet ever since she came here. Which is very unlike her, she's normally very energetic and humorous 

"Huh? Oh yeah, just thinking about something.." she trailed off

"Penny of your thoughts?" 

"Well, it's about Dah—"

"Ow!" We both turned around to see Sana, again on the floor

"What happened? Did you fall? Did you hit something??" Jihyo quickly asked and ran over to where Sana was

"I just hit something I guess" Sana said while pouting

"You've got to be more careful! Come on get up" Jihyo reached out her hand and helped Sana up

"I can't wait to see how much Sana will fall over when we get to the garden" I grimaced, the garden is rather big, but full of vines and plants that you could get caught in if you're not careful.

"Sana DO NOT go wandering around in this garden. I repeat, DO NOT. you must have some one beside you at all times" I said

"I'm not a child..!" I could see Sana pouting even without seeing her

"Of course not, we just want to make sure you're safe" Jihyo said and patted Sana on the head, not a child she says?

〜S∿o∿u∿l∿m∿a∿t∿e∿s〜 [Y/n x M.Mina]Where stories live. Discover now