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(Y/n pov)

It's been about a month since I was bought to this huge manor, yet I haven't been able to explore  even less than a half of this place.

Mina has been spending more and more time around me and inside my room. She's been called multiple times by servants and even her own handmaiden to go to her classes or something, but she never wanted to leave even if it seemed important

This was one of those times.

"Mina you need to go, it seems important" Mina was currently hanging onto me, not budging. I've gotten more used to her physical touch these days but this was a bit much...

"no!" She was pouting and tightened her grip on my waist

"Mina come on, your teachers are waiting," Dahyun was actually very close to Mina since they met when they were both young, which only intensified her reaction seeing Mina being so physical with someone. Especially because she's the one initiating it

I sighed and made eye contact with Dahyun while she shook her head, still in disbelief that Mina was acting this way

"I'll go if you come with me.." Mina said in a quiet voice. My eyes widened and I looked back at Dahyun, she gave me a 'well? Come on' look.

" long do i have to be there?"

"Few hours maybe" Dahyun responded 

"Can i just sit by the corner or something?" 

"Depends on how Mina feels about that," I gently pushed Mina away from me and gave her a questioning look

"Hmmmm" she put her finger on her lips and looked around before breaking out into a smile and running past Dahyun, who breathed deeply and sighed

"This kid," she shook her head before gestured for me to follow her. 

I only walked a few steps since Mina's room was so close to mine. I was just going to sit somewhere away from them, but Mina grabbed my arm, stopping me from getting any further

"She'll be sitting with me today." Mina said in a cold and emotionless tone to the also very cold and emotionless teacher. Which she received a nod from after a look from me to Mina about like 10 times

"As long as she won't be a distraction" Mina nodded and pulled me down to the chair beside her

After a hour of reading from a textbook, the teacher held up diagrams of different things and asked Mina what they were.

This particular one was special

"What's this one?" 

Mina stayed quiet, concentrating on the image

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Mina stayed quiet, concentrating on the image. I just laid my head on my right hand and my elbow on the table, leaning slightly forward looking at Mina to my left

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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〜S∿o∿u∿l∿m∿a∿t∿e∿s〜 [Y/n x M.Mina]Where stories live. Discover now