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(Y/n pov)

It's been a few days since I met Mina, she originally only wanted to know more about that book I gave to my friends, but I'm not willing to speak—no— look at her. She hasn't given up though, she's been at my forests every day since, usually at the same time. Sometimes with or without Sana. 

"Y/n?" Right on que. I looked up at her and noticed her holding the book again "I know you don't want to talk to me yet, but could you at least tell me about this?" She held up the book and walked closer to me while I backed away slowly

She sighed and shook her head disappointedly "look, I don't know what you have against me, but we're soulmates, this string has to mean something to you" it was my turn to shake my head

"I never wanted to meet my soulmate, let alone it being someone from the royal family. You don't need to know why I have something against you. If I tell you what I know about the book, will you leave me alone?" She looked down and fiddled with her fingers "will you?" She looked right into my eyes, and I swear I felt something in my chest that I never felt before

"But we are fated to be?"

"Answer me Mina."

"I can't—"

"Then goodbye" I turned from her and walked away into the trees "come to me when you've decided"

(Mina pov)

"What do I do Satang??" I explain to Sana what happened while I put my head down on the table

"Well, that doesn't seem like her, but then again she doesn't exactly appreciate your presence. She always told me she doesn't want to meet her soulmate, and I kind of bought you to her.. BUT if you guys are fated to be, then you'll be fine"

"But she won't even talk to me unless it's to tell me to leave her alone!"

"Maybe you should take her up on that offer then"

"What why?"

"So you can get closer to her, she might change her mind then" Sana wasn't wrong, it might work. But the chance it doesn't?

(Next day)

"Y/n?" I let out a small gasp when I saw Mina, she had a beautiful dress on and her eyes were perfect, she brushed her hair back and I felt my heart flutter a bit..


"I'm willing to leave you alone if you give me what you know about the book," she looked down while saying those words in barely a whisper 

I was shocked but nodded "good choice," we both just kind of stayed still for a few moments "well? Are you just gonna stand there forever?" Her head shot up and she quickly ran over to where I was, but I'm guessing her foot caught on something.

She fell forward and on instinct, my hands reached out to catch her. My eyes met hers and in that moment, I knew I could get lost in her eyes forever. Those deep brown-ish eyes that reflect the universe, I swear will be my downfall—

"Oh um thank you," she said awkwardly as she hurriedly straightened herself up, I found this quite adorable 

"Anyway, do you still have the book?" She nodded quickly and took out the book from like no where, I grabbed the book from her and gestured for her to follow me "I'll explain some things while we walk, well, what do you wanna know?"

"Anything you're willing to tell me"

"Well, this book was given to me by my mother, I gave it away because I didn't think I would have any use for it, but I guess it made it's way back to me" I brushed my hand along the cover of the book reached to open it, but stopped halfway

〜S∿o∿u∿l∿m∿a∿t∿e∿s〜 [Y/n x M.Mina]Where stories live. Discover now