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(Mina pov)

"Grand Princess Myoui Mina?" Excuse me? Who dare to call me by my full title? "Lee Felix," I saw the man bow and throw a smile that I'm sure the ladies all fall for. But not me.

I just looked at him, expecting something , more?

"Son of Duke Lee Sylvian, I'm sure you've heard of me before?" I have not. Well I have, I just haven't heard good things about this man at all.

"Yes yes, to what do I owe the pleasure of having you here?" I mean this ball was hosted by me, and I don't remember inviting him

"How are you enjoying this evening?" He said completely ignoring my question, rude.

"Quite fine, what about you Sir Felix?" It was boring in actuality, I had no one to converse with nor enjoy a fine glass of wine

"As well, do you have a partner for the dance?" As of on cue, the lights dimmed and every duke, prince, viscount, earl all went to slow dance in the middle of the large ball room, while I had not a partner. My father had originally wanted to invite expensive suitors just for this ball in the beginning

"Grand Princess Mina?" He doesn't deserve to call me by just my name. It's Myuoi to him.


"Where's your partner? Are they perhaps late? Who dares to leave the you waiting? I shall have a sore to settle with this hardly of a man—" 

"Sir Felix, although I appreciate your efforts? I do no have a partner in this dance" he was getting increasingly annoying now, he's only doing this in hopes to impress my father into marrying me to him

He told in shock as i told him that I wouldn't be dancing, he reached out his hand and bowed slightly

"May i have this dance then my Grand Princess?" Is he hoping to still get my hand in marriage? Never. The Duke Lee Sylvian and his wife, were rumored to never care for him when he as young, as they focused only on his siblings because they saw no potential in him to become the next heir, even if h is their eldest son. Leading him to become undisciplined and immature, he's known to be childish when it came to serious matters and always violent to woman in his relationships. I would never marry this man 

"Thank you Sir Felix for the offer, but I'm afraid I must decline," I gave him a polite smile and hoped he'd leave after this

"Ah yes, no worries I'll be here if you ever want to reconsider, enjoy the night Grand Princess" he fixed his suit and walked away towards the Duchess Blaine May. What a playful man so unlovable and utterly devoted to no one but himself. 

I couldn't stay here any longer, I needed some quiet, the garden.

Finally, the fresh air, unlike the smell of lies and hypocrisy in that suffocating room. 

Then a raven landed on my shoulder. The bird I magically coaxed into my pet, I named it . I felt like it suited the dark feathers and bright yellow eyes she had. 

Only this time, she had something in her mouth, what had she bought to me this?

Only this time, she had something in her mouth, what had she bought to me this?

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〜S∿o∿u∿l∿m∿a∿t∿e∿s〜 [Y/n x M.Mina]Where stories live. Discover now