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(Mina pov)

The carriage ride back to the palace was almost dead silent, the atmosphere was heavy and full of anticipation.

Y/n was still in my arms, she looked fine now, as if she was sleeping, but she was most certainly unconscious and not just "asleep". Sana was sitting beside me, looking out the window, seemingly lost in thought.

Something told me not to let go of her, ever since the time she collapsed to now, I had her in my arms. But how will I explain this to mother and father? They certainly won't approve that my soulmate isn't some high ranking royal, but what will they do about it. By fate she is the one I should spend eternity  with and I am hers, they cannot change that fact no matter how much they oppose. 

What will Nako think of this? Would she support me or go with mother and father? She was always the favorite, although younger than me, she's supposed to be the heir? With no sons to take the throne, they decide I will not be next in the line of succession although I am the eldest? No. It is not right. I am the rightful heir to ascend the throne, not her. 

I don't want to hate Nako, she wasn't always how she is now. At least not to my knowledge. We used to be close, we'd tell each other everything, she used to comfort me whenever mother or father hit me. She was always there whenever I needed someone and I was there for her. Yet after that one night, she changed. She didn't see me as an equal anymore, nor as her sister. 

Now that I dwell on it, it always seemed like they wanted Nako to always be in the spotlight, that masquerade was hosted in recognition of Nako as well. I was simply forced to be there. Another odd aspect is that I attend meetings alongside father sometimes, but Nako isn't allowed to. Especially the ones involving some sort of strategic planning, sometimes it seems like Nako always takes credit for the things I do. It's not fair. I'm always kept in the shadows while she's not.

"We have arrived your majesty," the voice snapped me out of my own thoughts, turning to look at Sana, she had the same expression in her eyes, uncertainty 

I carried Y/n all the way inside the palace, a few guards attempting to stop me, but I gave them a sharp glare and they backed away

"Sana, can you please take Y/n to the physician?" She nodded and took Y/n gently away from my arms. I missed the comfort of her warmth already—no. Now's not the time, I sadly must inform mother about her. Father's rarely around, thank goodness for that, I wouldn't be around long if he was.

"Mother," I called out to her, yet I gained to response 

"Your majesty, are you looking for the queen?" A servant asked softly, I nodded. She informed me that mother was in father's meeting room, but he wasn't.

I quickly made my way to the upper floor of the East Wing

"Mother?" I saw her looking intently on something atop the desk in the center of the large meeting room

"Mina!" She said not in an excited tone, but in a surprised and worried one. Like she'd been caught doing something despicable

"I need to inform you of something," she hurriedly put everything away and walked towards me "I've brought to the manor a women" before I continued, she wanted to open her mouth to refute, but I didn't let her "—please, let me finish for once mother, she isn't any women, nor is she a royal or noble. She's my soulmate"  smack

"You lie. A commoner cannot be your soulmate!" She slapped me right across my left cheek, forcing me to look down to my right

"I do not mother. If you do not wish to believe me, then I shall leave this place and never return. I will and I can. Do you not remember what was prophesied? Have you forgotten so easily something  of such great value?" Smack

〜S∿o∿u∿l∿m∿a∿t∿e∿s〜 [Y/n x M.Mina]Where stories live. Discover now