Chapter. 6

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Swiss lets out a grunt as his back hits the matted ground of the clergy gym, trying to ignore Phil laughing at him. The Quintessence-ghoul grabbed the other after breakfast and dragged him towards the gym to improve both their fighting skills. Both Ghouls enjoy this time, having more than fun punching the other, and do this on the regular ever since they know each other. It's a weird thing between the two.

"Oh, come on, Fucktard. What got you this distracted today?" The shorter Ghoul questions, a grin still etched into his face as he nudges the Multi-ghoul's side with his foot, earning himself a growl from Swiss who is quick to jump to his feet and take a defensive stance, eyes locked on Phil.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." He replies, rolling his shoulders and putting his hands up in front of him, only for his body to go limp and fall face first onto the mat with a thunk. "Asshole." The Multi-ghoul grumbles up at the other Ghoul, whose eyes are glowing a soft purple and has a shit eating grin on his lips.

"You really have to practice your quintessence more. You're making a fool of yourself." He laughs, letting his magic fade and Swiss regain control over his limbs.

The Multi-ghoul huffs and pushes himself up, eyes glaring at Phil. "I would be better if you would have teached me how to control it from day one instead of getting high as the clouds before every planned lesson." He counters before swinging at Phil, who blocks the punch and pushes Swiss back.

"Hey, quintessence is a spiritual element that you have to stay in touch with quite a lot." He starts to explain while dodging another punch from the Multi-ghoul and uses his tail to trip him. "And being high was my way of staying in touch." Phil shrugs, smirking as he sees Swiss hit the mat face first and with his ass in the air. "Hm, I quite like the view you're giving me~" He chuckles before pushing the other Ghoul over with his foot, so the Multi-ghoul lies on his side.

"Oh, fuck off, you dick wagon." The taller man grumbles as he rolls onto his back and flips Phil off, who only laughs and sits down next to Swiss.

"Seriously, though. What is going on?" The Quintessence-ghoul asks as the taller man moves to lie his head onto the other Ghoul's lap. A small smile spreads onto the shorter Ghoul's lips as he sees this and he gently places a hand onto the black and purple curls. "Don't tell me Sister Imperator is being an ass to you again.." He sighs while carefully running a hand through the black and purple curls.

"No, no.." Swiss sighs while letting his eyes slip closed. "She doesn't have much control over me anymore. I'm bound to Copia now."

"Oh? He tried to bind you again and succeeded?" The Quintessence-ghoul asks honestly, surprised since he knows Copia said he didn't want to try and bind the Multi-ghoul, since last time it failed and did quite a lot of damage to the Ghoul.

"Sodo kinda begged him to-" Swiss replies with a chuckle, which turns into a small laugh as he opens his eyes and sees Phil's surprised expression.

"Sodo? Fire-ghoul Sodo, the little one who doesn't care about anyone and lashes out at everyone?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at Swiss before getting hit in the face with the fluffy hairs on the Multi-ghoul's tail.

"Don't be so mean to him. He is a nice guy." The taller Ghoul grumbles as he gets up, hitting Phil in the face again with his tail, making the other fall back onto the mat with a giggle.

"Fine, fine!" He chuckles and moves his hands behind his head, looking up at Swiss still with a smile on his lips. "Soo, what is it then?"

The Multi-ghoul sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I haven't had an episode yet, and it's nearly been two months.." He answers, his words wiping the smile right off the other Ghoul's lips. "And I don't know if that's good and I finally got it all under control, or if the next one is building up and will be really fucking painful and long.." He admits quietly while his eyes are locked onto the ground.

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