Chapter. 4

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As the morning rolls around, Sodo gets woken up by a phone alarm, quickly shutting it off while staying half asleep. Only to wake up completely as he feels something on his neck. It felt like there was something nibbling on the skin there and pressing something sharp into his skin every here and there. But to the Fire-ghoul's surprise, it didn't feel that uncomfortable, which is why he hadn't woken up from it yet.

Sodo lets out a small grumble and shifts to get the nibbling to stop, only to get an arm thrown around his waist and pull back into another body. It took him a second to realize what was happening.

Swiss is still asleep behind him and probably thinks he's a pillow, which is why the Multi-ghoul nibbles on the shorter one's neck.

Sodo has picked up on a few of Swiss's quirks over the past weeks that they spend nearly every night together. One is that the taller Ghoul has problems falling or staying asleep without something in his arms that he can hold. Before the Fire-ghoul started to invite himself into the other's bed every night, it used to be a pillow, which Sodo now has also taken as his property whenever he is over.

The shorter man was always confused about why the pillow had small holes in it, and now he knows. Swiss nibbles on it in his sleep. He probably always nibbled on Sodo's shirts before but now ended up at the shorter Ghoul's neck.

The Fire-ghoul doesn't have a problem with this since, for some odd reason, it seems to relax him. Only problem is, he is 90% sure that there will be a visible mark left, so he pulls away from Swiss and slips out of the Multi-ghoul's arms, earning a small grumble of protests from the still sleeping Ghoul before he grabs the pillow and buries his face in it.

Another one of the Multi-ghoul's quirks is that he is definitely not a morning person, which he has in common with Sodo.

For the Fire-ghoul, one of the best mornings was back in the clergy on a Saturday after a very long week of different rituals. He woke up from the sun, since it shines into Swiss's room in the mornings, and was able to just turn around and bury his face into the taller man's bare chest and warm body, pulling him right back to sleep until he woke up an hour later to Swiss's purring and the feeling of a hand in his hair and scratching his scalp. These lazy mornings on the weekends are both Ghouls' favourite things since they can stay in bed all morning and continue to sleep if they want.

But that is not the case now. They have to get up and leave the room in about one hour. The shorter man gives a nudge to Swiss back, trying to wake him up.

"Cheeseeeee." The Fire-ghoul sighs while starting to shake the taller man, who rolls over and promptly falls out of the bed with a thud. Sodo tries to stifle his laugh without any success as he walks to the other side of the bed where Swiss is lying on the ground, grumbling. "You okay?"

"Hmrpf." The Multi-ghoul growls in response before propping himself up on his arms and glares at Sodo.

"Don't look at me like that. We have to get up." The shorter Ghoul replies deadpan while helping the other up. "And before you ask, it's 6:45 am."

Swiss lets out a groan and drops his head onto the Fire-ghoul's shoulder. "Whyyyy."

Sodo lets out a small laugh and pats the other's head. "Come on, let's get ready."


About 30 minutes later, all eight Ghouls/Ghoulletts stand in their human forms and are very tired in the lobby with Copia, checking them out of the hotel before walking towards the bus.

In the bus, Swiss flops himself onto the couch at the back with Rain curling up against his side for warmth since the Multi-ghoul is the warmest Ghoul, next to Sodo and Sunshine, and the Water-ghoul is always cold in the mornings so he usually seeks out either Sunshine or Swiss, since Sodo used to snap at him if he tried to cuddle up to him. Also, Rain and Swiss got summoned only a few days apart, which caused them both to have a quiet close friendship since they both were the 'outcasts' and 'newbies' at that time.

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