Chapter. 8

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Little TW: This chapter has angst and tere will be mentioning blood, abuse, a crying Sodo, and mild panic attacks.

If you're sensitive to blood and abuse, you can skip to the ~~~
If you're sensitive to the rest that was mentioned above, you can skip to the 'chats'. There are a few important things to know at the end of the chapter, so you know what is going on in chapter 9

Your mental health is very important, so if you can't handle the things that go on in the first part of the chapter, that's okay <3
Grab your favourite snack, something to drink, and relax <33


The metal shackles feel almost freezing cold against his wrists and ankles, his skin burning from the adrenaline and anxiety that runs through his trembling body. He wants to pull and rip at the chains, try to get out of this room and away from the people that surround him, but his body won't respond to him, almost as if he's paralyzed, forcing him to kneel in the middle of the pentagram.

The Ghoul raises his head, trying to look around the room and identify the people that surround the outside of the pentagram, but everything is blurry, and the room feels like it's spinning.

He tries to force himself to growl, snarl, or snap at the people around him, to try and get the fuck out of this place, but it has no use.

Soon, his brain picks up on voices, soft murmurs that soon turned into loud chanting, in different tones, female and male voices. He doesn't know when they started the chant, but he knows that it won't be long until the inevitable will happen. A cold shiver runs down his bare back at the thought of his fate.

A figure separates itself from the others and steps into the pentagram, quickly and roughly grabbing the Ghoul's chin, turning his head up to meet their gaze. He tries to struggle against it and pull away, but the pain that shoots through his jaw soon stops him. The figure has dug their nails into his skin to the point blood pools from them and drips in slow small beads onto the floor.

The kneeling man looks up at the figure with a wince, trying to get his eyes to focus on that shit eating grin the figure has on their face.

"We're all very pleased with your cooperation and consent for this ritual." A female voice speaks, her words sound slightly muffled in his ears, but he can still make out what she says, and the woman's words only make his blood boil with anger.

He never agreed to any of this. He never had a choice. The council decided his fate for him. He wants to yell at all the people to leave him alone or he will rip them apart, but all he can do is stare up at the woman and listen to her words while the chanting fades into quiet murmurs in the background.

"F.. fuck.. yo-you." The Ghoul manages to get out through gritted teeth, his words quickly being met with a harsh slap against his cheek, making him wince in pain and drop to the floor. His body was weak, and his normally pretty high pain resistance has gone completely to shit for some reason.

The woman grabs his hair and one horn, yanking him back into a kneeling position, the pulling causing a stinging pain to trickle along his scalp and the nape of his neck, it only getting worse as he feels his left horn crack under her strong grip, causing him to yell out in pain.

"Now, now." She says in a mockingly soothing voice as the tears start to roll down the Ghoul's cheeks and drip on the cold stone, the salty droplets mixing with the crimson red ones that fell there just a minute ago. "We don't want you to cry." The woman continues as she soothes her thumb over the still slightly bleeding jaw of the trembling young man. "Let's get this started, shall we, Dewdrop?" She whispers, her breath fanning over his sweaty skin before she lets go of his head and steps out of the circle.

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