Chapter. 12

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"Aeth?" Sodo asks as he pokes his head into the quintessence-ghoul's room, letting out a small huff as he sees him still passed out on the bed, limbs sprawled out over the mattress, blanket just covering half his body and his tail gently twitching every now and then. "Great."

"Hey, keep it cool, love." Swiss talks over the phone, his words making the short ghoul let out a small grumble.

"Easier said than done." The fire-ghoul grumbles under his breath before stepping inside. "Guess I'll wake the sleeping banana up."

"Don't worry, he'll understand.."

"Again, easy for you to say, everyone loves you. I'm nothing more than the annoying roommate who punches walls, apparently." He sighs while pinching the bridge of his nose. "Why can't you just be here right now." He grumbles before freezing as he sees Aether's body stir and sit up on the bed, his lilac eyes slowly focusing on the fire-ghoul in the dimly lit room.

"Sodo..?" The quintessence-ghoul asks, his voice groggy and filled with sleep. He could easily make out the shorter ghoul's silhouette due to the soft orange glow that Sodo's body emits. "Everything okay?"

The fire-ghoul could see one of Aether's ears twitching slightly as he steps closer and slumps down onto the bed with a sigh. "I did something not so smart." He admits quietly.

"He punched a wall." Swiss's voice comes slightly muffled from the short ghoul's pocket.

The quintessence-ghoul raises his eyebrows as he looks at Sodo with a worried expression before scooting over to him and holding a hand out for the other to put his injured hand on. "You can show me, you know that I won't judge you.." He smiles gently.

Sodo takes a breath and nods his head before putting his injured hand into Aether's, his bruised and slightly bleeding knuckles visible for the taller ghoul. "Before you ask, I don't wanna talk about it.."

He nodded his head while letting out a sigh. It wasn't uncommon for Sodo not wanting to talk about something despite it being quite serious, and Aether knew not to push him. "That's okay.. you can talk to me or all the others when you feel ready, though." He reminds the other, smiling slightly as he sees him nod. "I'll have your hand healed up in no time, don't worry."

"I know.." The fire-ghoul mutters, wincing slightly as he feels the quintessence seep into his hand and work around the wounds. "And thank you for that.."

"Hey, Big boy, you mind looking after the little firecracker until I'm back?" The multi-ghoul's voice calls out from Sodo's pocket again, earning an eye roll from his boyfriend as he pulls the phone out and puts it on the bed.

"Of course, I will look after the little Gremlin until you're back." Aether replies with a small chuckle, which quickly turns into a laugh as he sees Sodo's annoyed expression.

"Why am I always the one with weird nicknames?" The fire-ghoul while slumping against the taller while letting him heal his knuckles.

"Because you're cute." Swiss replies, the grin audible in his voice.

"Oh shut the fuck up." Sodo grumbles and buries his face into Aether's shoulder, trying to make him blush.


"Damn- you look dead-" Solis points out as he sees Swiss slowly stumbles into the kitchen.

The multi-ghoul had dark bags under his eyes, his curls even messier than usual, and still in his sleeping clothes. "Sodo didn't feel good.. so I was up pretty much all night." He sighs as he walks over to the coffee machine. "Oh, my saving grace." He smiles tiredly as he grabs a mug and turns on the coffee machine. "I will miss this one. The one back home never works."

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