1 - Out Of Whack

703 12 11

Oriana Foxx , Philadelphia-Pennsylvania

~~ how old were you when you realised life wasn't just for you? ~~

I tried to get my eyes to focus on the whiteboard 6 rows infront of me but i just couldn't. I hoped that nobody could hear the music blasting out of my earphones , which were wireless. There's so many life hacks in technology actually. I looked around me seeing everybody standing up as I got all of my belongings together.

I skipped down the stairs as I heard our professor made a "tusk tusk" sort of sound making him look a grandpa. 

'Yes Mr. Moseby?' I said , not having the time to take my earphones out. 

'Okay so Oriana , i know you are one of my students that really likes production engineering.' Professor Moseby said , getting my attention. I reached behind my hair to turn off my earphones.

'Yeah , i would love to work with Sony music or something when i get out of university.' I put my earphones in my pocket. Students were piling out as I was standing infront of his desk. He grabbed some papers into his hands and gave me his full attention.

'Were you listening to music again in class?' The middle-aged looking guy said. I felt guilt slightly take over because he truly was one of my favourite professors in this sticky-ass univerisity. Oh i'm grateful that I get an education but I have student loans that are going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

'Just trying to get my self to concentrate on what music settings i should do in a live concert.' I shrugged my shoulders. Yeah , like that was ever gonna work out. I was never gonna be taken serious in this industry. Espcially not without "screwing" someone to get a job.

'What if i told you could internship at one of the three places i'm going to show you?' He said placing 3 letters infront of me as i covered my mouth. Did he just say what I thought he said?

'Professor Moseby you have no idea what this means to me!' I hugged him slightly , eyes going over and over on the letters. I tried not to let the little voice in my head get to me ; why out of everyone was he showing me this?

'So , they want an student to intern for them. Since this university is afterall University Of Pennsylvania , they want to try it out. They told me to pick a student of my choice and i couldn't think of anyone better than you.' He said , taking a sip from his probably cold coffee. The student loands were finally paying off. I opened up the first letter , nearly loosing my mind.

Hopeless Records = All time low.

I couldnt think of a better band that ive been listening forever since high school. Their fans are entirely cool and I genuinely really like their music and it would be mind-blowing to have maybe one of my songs in their future albums.

I took a deep breath then went onto the next album , Sebastian- Mr. Moseby leaned back onto his desk , smiling sneakily.

Warner Bro's Music Group = Metallica

God ,i am literally obsessed with them. I have so many band tshirts of Metallica. And no i dont wear them because they are "grunge" i wear them because i fucking love them. I was already stuck on deciding which one to go with.

Capitol Records = 5 Seconds Of Summer.

A music group that girls scream over because of their blonde hair and blue eyes that i never listened to? No thanks. I hate to be judgemental but I do not want to end up disabling comments on my insgram photos. 

'Uh , the choice is so clear Mr. Moseby. Metallica.' I said pointing at the paper with my long nails. He put down his coffee looking a bit surprised.

'Okay that's great so now you just have to move to New York.' He said reading the other bunch of papers he took out from a folder. Okay so now the student loans weren't paying off.

'What?! I live in Pennyslvania. Why cant i work from here?' I said my eye starting to twitch.

No , no , no my dream was right infront of me and it was slipping from my hands because i cant afford to move to New York. If i could afford it , I would do it in the blink of an eye.

'Well um.. then how about All Time Low? Well for that you must of have studied at some music school other from this major.' He said , obviously not reading the letters over. He scratched his neck and I would prefer no internship rather than interning with 5"sauce" 

'How about 5 seconds of summer?' He said , shoving the paper in my way. 

'4 too-good-to-be-true looking guys? No thanks , i dont want to work with someone who is only famous for their looks.'

'Look i've listened to them and to be honest their music isnt bad at all. And do you really want to spend the next year at school while you could be traveling the world and getting extra credit?' He said as my eyes lit up. And did he really listen to them? They're songs about teenage runaways and heartbreak. 

'A year? Around the world? That sounds awwwwesome. All expenses paid , right?' I said realising i was broke af. 

'Of course , the company is taking you in.' He scratched his soon-to-be beard. I prefered him without the stubbled.

I really didnt want to work with them because i mean look at them. Were they as legendary as Metallica? Obviously not. But , Moseby was right , i would rather travel than stay in this state and listen to music during class.

'Okay , i'm in.' I signed the bottom of the paper that was blank for my signature.


Name : Orianna Pia Foxx

Ethnicity : Filipino

Fav Food : Anythings that's vegan


I'm really starting to think about studying music production in uni , it seems so awesome. I mean , just imagine , being able to produce music. It sounds really amzing , it overwhelms me.

And on the other hand , my ideal college selection is genetic enigeenering. Well i'm only 15 so , yah never know whats gonna happen in life.

~Sila ♥

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