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Mikoto was standing next to Haruhi while wearing his dark purple yukata. Haruhi, Honey and Mori also wear Yukata just like him but in the different color each. Meanwhile, Tamaki, Kyoya, Kaoru and Hikaru are wearing waiter suit that match each other. Tamaki was holding a tray of teapots and teacups while Kaoru holding a tray of desserts for the guests and Hikaru hold a wine looking bottle

Mikoto was walking around each of the hosts table, he analysis each if the guests meanwhile also look at the hosts way of flirting or in other way called skip his true job. His first stop, of course, the king of the host's table

"Princess, which cup would you have a tea with" Tamaki ask as he show to the guests the cups. Somehow Mikoto can see Sakura branch and flowers beside each of the cups showcasing their beauty

"Foley? Worcester? Or would you like to have Susie's Gardenia?" Mikoto went dumbfounded for a moment. He never heard such name. And it's just a cup not anything else. Even Bitch-sensei never taught him about any of that when he disguised as waiter

"How pretty. These are all British antiques, right?" The brunette girl ask in a polite tone looking impressed by the antiques in front of her "which one is your favorite, Tamaki?"

Mikoto feel like he want to throw himself when Tamaki smirk as he take the girl's hand and brought her closer to him smiling nicely to her and said "Why, I'd like to take my princess out, of course"

"Oh my, Tamaki~" The girl blush slightly over the speech. Mikoto just stare at them blankly before fastly walking away. He doesn't want to see that any more longer

'suddenly I am glad father and pa didn't flirt like that' Mikoto thought to himself feeling a little relief. He sure doesn't want to see or hear that cheesy scenery or line everyday or every week

He move to the next table which is the twins' table. The closer he got to their table, the louder their conversation became

"Have you every to Covent Garden in Great Britain?"

"No, our only antiques come from Portobello"

"It's quite interesting, most of our Victorian pieces here are from there too"

Mikoto knew his parents aren't that crazy yet to put luxury antiques inside their house that were full with people who thirsts to kill. They could broke that antiques in matter of 5 seconds after all

Kaoru was serve the tea when the teacup fall on his hand and cause the tea to hit his hand. Hikaru who realized this immediately facing towards his twin's direction in worry "Kaoru!"

'they would flirt, aren't they?'

"This happens because you're looking at some other stuff" Hikaru take Kaoru's injured finger and put it at his mouth while closing his eyes. Kaoru blush at his twin's act meanwhile the girls blush while seeing those two. How can the two girls doesn't realize that was a fake blush?

"You only need to look at me" one of the girls almost faint when saw the scene. Those girls really are fujoshi in Mikoto's mind and nothing can change his opinion about that

'see? If Tsubaki was there with me, I would make a bet with him" Mikoto laugh to himself. It's sure been a while since he take his monthly money bet from one of his best friend, Tsubaki Horibe. Even if Tsubaki hate him, he still thought of Tsubaki as his best friend

"I can't take it. It's just too fantastic!" The long haired girl dramatically said covering her blushing face but the short haired girl stop her from doing so

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