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Haruhi stare at the gate in front of her. Everything about this mountain and mansion wasn't normal at all even for rich people but again, she was dragged into this by the host club. Being a good club they're, they decide to visit Mikoto's house to give his brother a push present

"How suppose we go inside?" Haruhi asked the tall blonde as she point at the guards near the gate. The talk blonde change to thinking pose, wondering how should they go inside

"I hope Miko-chan's family will love our gift, Takashi" Honey smile at his cousin who was holding two nicely wrapped present for Mikoto's newborn niece. Mori nod at his cousin's words. Each of them have brought at least one normal present for them

Haruhi still staring at the mountain and house on the top of the mountain thinking if they're really at the right place. She just brought something simple not pricey like the others but good enough. The twins also each brought one present so does Kyoya

"What are you guys doing in front of my gate?" Mikoto asked while holding a plastic bag. The hosts look at him for a moment before smile

"We are here to give your brother present" Hikaru and Kaoru both put their arm around Mikoto's neck. He look at them checking if it's true or not that they come to give present. Base on how Tamaki always think, he knew they have second thoughts

"You just want to see my house, didn't you?" Questioned the first year while glaring into Tamaki's eyes. Tamaki shrunk and went behind Haruhi looking depressed

"It's not wrong to bring present" Kyoya stated to Mikoto. He smiled at him kindly this time but Mikoto can already see what's beneath the smile

"If you add the cost of your present to my debt, I will chop you and don't mention anything about my debt here" Mikoto warned the host club before make his way towards the gate. He signaled the guards to open the door

"You guys are fine with a little hiking, right?" Mikoto asked with a grin. He thought they would give up before they even reach his house and by that they will go home. What a perfect plan he made

"It's okay, Miko-chan!" Honey answered him. Mikoto nod at his answer as he start to walk. Haruhi keep glancing at the plastic bag he was holding since earlier

"This is just some extra diapers, Haruhi. Nothing big" Haruhi was shocked when he answered that. She doesn't realize he knew she was staring at the plastic bag

After few minutes, they finally arrived on the top. Tamaki, the twins and Haruhi were out of breath for a moment when they arrive. Mikoto was impressed Kyoya, Honey and Mori still can stand straight after that

"I can't imagine" Hikaru said between his breath while Kaoru continue what he want to say "You doing this everyday"

"Who said I am doing this everyday? The guards usually give me a ride to my house" Mikoto said to the hosts. Tamaki's mouth was widened open when he realized they can used their car to get there

"Tell us next time!" Haruhi shouted angrily. Seem like they get scammed by the dark redhead

"Payback for coming to my house" Mikoto said without any sympathy. He just evilly smile at the hosts


"Tadaima!" "Sorry for intrusion!"

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 [OHSHC x Assassination Classroom]Where stories live. Discover now