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"Mikoto, wake up! You will be late!" Gakushuu shouted from the bottom of the stairs. He knew his voice was loud enough for his son to hear it

Inside Mikoto's bedroom, he don't want to wake up. He just want to continue sleep forever if he can. He don't want to meet Kyoya. He was too embarassed by what he did at Kyoya's villa. To think he would kiss someone so carelessly, how ironic

"Come on, Mikoto! I will be late too if you don't go to school!!" Hayami shouted as she kick Mikoto's bedroom door. She was wearing her school uniform already. Mikoto then remember she will had morning assembly that day

"Why? You go to school with father, I go with grandfather not him..." Mikoto said lazily while he is still in the bed. His grandfather always send and take him from the school for some reason. Not only him but Masaru and Hideo too when they were still in school. Gakusho said because their school was too far for their house but Mikoto think it's a way to apologize to Karma for making 3-E the lowest of lowest

"JUST GO GET READY" Hayami picked Mikoto up and throw him inside the bathroom still angry at the younger. Mikoto again give up in fighting back and start to get ready for another tiring day


[Mikoto's knight armor]

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[Mikoto's knight armor]

Mikoto have two choices. Between a knight armor or musketeer. He chose knight armor because he doesn't want to matched with the twins. He was informed that they won't had any afternoon classes start today because of cultural festival or something

Instead of staying inside the classroom, he was already inside the music room#3 trying to wear his armor. He was alone inside the clubroom with Kyoya since others still not arrive. Tamaki already arrived but he need to used the toilet first. He sometimes want to curse the second year for his time set

Mikoto start to feel awkward as Kyoya was sitting in front of him inside his armor. Haruhi was buying more instant coffee so she will surely be late. The twins still inside the classroom talking. His last hope was the third years to enter and save him

"I will add ¥4000 in your debt" Kyoya suddenly said as he continue calculated something. Mikoto was expecting something like that would happen in the near future but why?

"May I ask why?" Mikoto asked the older which make him evilly smile at Mikoto

"You kissed me twice"

How stingy can the person in front of him be? Even a kiss would cost Mikoto ¥2000. Why must this man add more to his debt? If his parents know this, he can already imagine how they would react

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 [OHSHC x Assassination Classroom]Where stories live. Discover now