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Mikoto put his towel and swim trunks inside his bag along with some other equipments. He was informed by Kyoya that he will need to prepare some beach equipment for school today. Mikoto want to asked the second year for what but he already ended the call. He sigh as zipped his bag, checking everything for the second time before realize he forget about his knife and pistol

He put both of it in his bag as well with BB bullets for emergency. He sure can't used real bullets in front of the host club but he can used BB bullets without make them afraid

"If The Reaper was after us, I need to prepare all of these" Mikoto said as he hold his back and lock his bedroom door. He can't leave it unlock with his siblings, it was too risky

"Father, pa, I will be with my friends for the whole day, don't search for me" Mikoto shouted from the front door trying to wearing his shoes while also put his slippers inside his bag. Karma who was inside the living room went towards him

"Will you be back for lunch or dinner?" He asked the youngest with a grin. He was 100% sure that his youngest also brought knife and pistol with him. Gakushuu will yelled at him for giving their son that kind of equipment

"I won't for lunch but I don't know about dinner yet" Mikoto stand up from the floor wearing an unamused face. He look back at Karma before going out




"Where is this place, anyway?" Haruhi questioned Tamaki who was sitting on the beach seat while holding a glass of orange juice with ice and small umbrella. Mikoto look at the birds on the tree and then at the trees around them

Mikoto was grateful for a moment because he didn't get kidnapped like Haruhi instead he just followed the other hosts. Mikoto can already hear the rumors for tomorrow. Haruhi get kidnapped by the twins into a black car

"This is the theme part that the Otoori Group runs" Kyoya sat as he also sit on the beach chair with a glass of juice in his hand. Mikoto was sit next to Kyoya's legs as he watch Haruhi asking Kyoya while confuse about his family

"But, Kyoya-senpai, didn't you say that your family ran a hospital or some kind of medical therapy work?" She asked. Mikoto look at her before look at Kyoya again with a grin

"With the right scenario and time, even resort can be medical therapy, Haruhi" Mikoto answered Haruhi. He was right about the right scenario and time. If there's someone planning to kill you at hotel or resort, you won't felt relax right? Just like in Okinawa

"True, it's a diversified enterprise that does lots of things but you could say, this is related to therapy. There are many who suffer from stress or from feeling cooped-up, who would like to spend time in the south tropics but for economic reasons or lack of time, are unable to go. This is a convalescent theme park to help treat those people. The Otoori Group is always thinking of the happiness of others" Kyoya explained before fixing his glasses. Somehow Mikoto can see sparkle when he said about happiness of others

"Then why must you always remind me about my debt? That surely make my heart sink" Mikoto asked the second year which earned an evil smile from him

"That because it was your responsibility to pay it"

"How evil~"

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 [OHSHC x Assassination Classroom]Where stories live. Discover now