Chapter 1: A compassionate decision.

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Author's note: I hope you've read the description before reading this, and I hope you enjoy.
(One last thing, the tech in this world can vary wildly, keep that in mind.)

At a small yet rich and peaceful medieval-ish town in a dark fantasy world filled with magic, slavery, and exploitation, A young man with black hair and crimson red eyes is sat at his work desk in his office creating potions and herbal medicine for various patients.
This bright young child prodigy has built quite a name for himself not just in his hometown, but in neighboring ones as well, and it's no surprise, at such a young age he had become a talented doctor that is highly adept at treating illnesses and dispelling curses that befall his patients, and in a short amount of time he has managed to accumulate a vast amount of wealth and secured himself his own home and private clinic, all at the shocking age of just sixteen years old.

That young doctor was none other than "Minataki Arato."

(Arato POV.)

Business at the clinic was booming as usual, I normally wouldn't be bothered by this but most of patients that came today had something serious to diagnose, my peers would probably not care about this because of the money it brought them but this bothers me, because it means a lot more people that usual are getting sick. I'd rather earn this money from them just coming here for a simple checkup instead of having to diagnose them with stuff like lung cancer.

Well, no point overthinking it now, all I can do is try my best to treat these people, that's what I became a doctor for after all.

I was planning to just close down the clinic and then head inside since the clinic and my house are just one building, but then I remembered something important.

"Crap, I haven't restocked the fridge yet." I muttered under my breath, barely managing to hold back a swear word.

With that in mind, I went out the front door of the clinic and started walking, I just hope Maxx hasn't closed down his store yet. Or that he doesn't kill me for butting in when he's almost closing.

The walk across the street was pretty peaceful, the streetlights are on, there's no cars driving along at all, and the sunset, though barely visible through the buildings around, is as pretty as its always been. Everything was going great, until I saw something I didn't wanna see at all.

"You fucking bitch! Move it!" A very well dressed old man from across the street yells at what I can only assume is a newly purchased slave, a young girl, around 12 years old, hands tied behind her back and wearing a chain collar being dragged along by this man.

'Tch... Why at this time of the day...' I thought.
There was nothing I could do, so I just watched them for a few seconds before moving on.

Slavery has been around for as long as I lived, everyday I get to see those poor souls, no matter how young, get physically abused and exploited by the elite class of society, even this supposedly friendly town isn't free from slave owners.

I'll tell you now, I absolutely loathe those people. All of them, the elite would've called me a bitch for this, but I became a doctor so I could help people, all people, and seeing certain people be denied rights and treated as anything but human is just a slap to the face for me. I guess it's just in my nature as a doctor.

Finally I arrived at my destination, "Maxxy's groceries." Luckily still open.

I enter in and I was immediately greeted by the displeased look of a certain dog-boy friend of mine.
"Goddamnit man, we were almost closing!" He says.

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