Chapter 3: Mistakes and amends.

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Content warning: Rape, pedophilia, sexual assault.

(Arato's POV.)

It's been a week since Sora's birthday, ever since then I can safely say that she's opened up to me, a lot. The sweet smile that she kept hidden from me until her 17th birthday now being a common thing to see from her every day, never fails to bring a smile to my own face. Her true self really showed, for the past seven days she turned out to be quite energetic and eager to interact with people.

I was closing up the clinic for the day, not many patients came in today with something serious, it was mostly checkups or treatments for minor things like workplace cuts. Today is a good day.

After walking up the stairs and opening the door, I was greeted by the familiar energetic voice of someone who was all too happy to see me enter through the door.

"Welcome back Arato-kun!" She says and I responded with a smile.
"How have you been doing here?" I asked.
"Much better with you here."

My heart skipped a beat when I heard that. "Flatterer..." She only giggled at that.

"Oh by the way... Wanna take a walk around town tomorrow? You can't just be here inside forever." I proposed.
"Wouldn't that get the townsfolk's attention?" She asked with some worry.

"Oh don't worry, the people here are really nice and they really do feel bad for you when I told them about your condition. If anything, they'll be pretty happy to see you doing well."

Sora looked both skeptical but at the same time, pretty excited by it. "So, you up for it?"

"Mm!" She hummed happily. "Will you be with me?" She then asked.
"Of course, still gotta watch over you since the not so nice people in town might take issue with you walking happily in public." She didn't care about that last part, she was just happy to hear that I was coming with her. Couldn't help but smile at that.

I hope tomorrow will be fun, especially for Sora.

(Timeskip, the next day... Arato's POV.)

Today is a Sunday, meaning no clinic work for today. It also means its time to take Sora out for a walk around town, a first for her since she's never allowed outside by her former master and a first for me because I've never went on a walk outside with someone from the opposite gender. This should be fun.

Decided to schedule the walk at 9 A.M, don't really have any plans in mind, just showing Sora around town and maybe let her familiarize with people in the community.

8 A.M, I go to wake her up, at first she wouldn't wake up at all, that was until I remind her what's coming up today.

"Ah- I'm getting up!" She says as she jolts awake, earning a chuckle from me. "Alright, go take a shower and let's eat breakfast first." I said and she responded with a smile.

After a quick shower and some breakfast, I swapped out my normal medical attire in favor of something more casual. Just a simple black pants and jacket, with a white polo shirt underneath. While Sora wore the usual maid outfit, her wearing something else would've been a nice change but sadly I haven't actually gotten her any new clothes yet, I gotta fix that at some point. Some shopping with her might be in order.

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