Chapter 7: Alluring knowledge.

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Here's another chapter for all you fine folks, I was in a bit of a sour mood when I finished this because A-chan/Friend A/Yuujin A is leaving COVER, I wish the best of luck to her after this decision and I hope you enjoy this chapter as always, cheers!

(Arato's POV.)

It's been a day since that blasted test, ever since I humbled Fena in that duel things have been considerably more peaceful. And he's even stopped bothering AZKi-san now, great. A much more peaceful school life for me and Sora, a win-win. At least I hoped it was until something drastically changed with Vincent. I was walking through the halls during lunchtime after I noticed Sora wasn't there yet, where'd she go this time? After a few steps in the hall I came across a good mate of mine, someone that I might be able to question about Sora's whereabouts. "Hey Altare, Uh... Have you seen Sora anywhere?" I greeted and asked her, and he spent a few seconds thinking if she's seen her anywhere.
"Uh... Yeah, Vincent asked her if she could have a moment." He responded, and his words made every hair in my body stand on one end. Goddamnit... Not this shit again. "Ah... Okay, thanks." I said. "Any idea where they went?" I then asked him, and he took a moment to rack his brain again before responding.
"Uh... I heard something about going to the rooftop for some privacy, not sure though." Those words sent another shiver down my spine, while I look like someone who's trying to keep a girl from getting into a relationship, I really didn't want Sora to have anything to do with anything related to Vincent's father, and that includes his son who wants to take her back to their house. There's no damn way I'm letting her anywhere near that old man...

After I thanked Altare for his help I then grabbed him by the collar and dragged him with me. "Thanks, you're coming with me then." I said, ignoring any protests he might have had. A few steps down the hall and another familiar face came into view, Maxx, who was trying to stuff a large sandwich into his mouth. And I dragged him by the collar with us too, ignoring his whines and pleas for me to let go. I dragged my two mates through the hallway and up to the school rooftop, all while Maxx begs me to let go or at least tell him what's going on. And I humorously refused to say anything until we got to the rooftop. After we ascended the staircase leading to the roof, we stopped at the door for a moment so that I could take a deep breath, then I opened the door and we stepped outside on the rooftop. And just as expected... What kind of cliché high school romance novel is this? There we found Sora being backed into the high metal fence of the rooftop while Vincent was towering over her, professing just how much he likes her... After several babbles that I couldn't keep up with anymore he finally said it directly.
"What do you say Sora? We could go back home... Away from that doctor's control... He isn't here to tell you what to do now so please... Come home with me. He can't control you anymore if you're with me." He says, and I could sense the desperation in his tone, knowing that announcing my presence could escalate it, I decided to not intervene, trusting that Sora can handle this by herself.

"Well? What do you say? Willing to come back home with me?" Vincent then said, meanwhile Sora fidgeted nervously as her back was pressed against the metal fence of the rooftop. "U-Ummm..." She stuttered and couldn't properly answer for a few seconds before she finally got the words out. "I-I'm sorry I can't... I don't want to... And Arato-kun doesn't want me to..." She responded, and oh boy, Vincent didn't like that response.
"You're too obedient to him Sora... Is he telling you all of this? You can tell me you know, I can do something about it." He says, irritation was evident in his tone. One of the very few times I saw his composure breaking, even if just a little bit.
"No he didn't tell me... I really don't wanna go home with you..." Sora replied, something that only added to Vincent's growing anger as he pushed Sora even more into the metal fence, and judging from the look on her face, it was enough that it actually started to hurt her. That was our cue to act, we moved closer to them until Sora finally noticed us.
"A-Ah... Arato-kun..." She says, causing Vincent to turn around to face me. Once he did his face immediately dropped, and he was quickly ticked off when he saw me and my other two mates.

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