Chapter 5: The coming mess.

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(Sora's POV.)

It's been a few weeks since Arato-kun enrolled me into school with him, ever since then I've felt that I've grown much closer to him, well... If I'm being honest, ever since he saved me from the curse of Mortis, I've been drawn much closer to him than ever, I went from being scared of him when he first bought me to seeing him as the best thing that happened to me, it was technically true, he saved me from the slave trade, saved me from the curse that I lived my whole life thinking was going to kill me, and he took care of me, not as a slave, but as an equal. Just another friend or patient under his care.

More recently, I've felt... Weird when I'm around him, whenever I interact with him my heart just won't stop pounding in my chest, whenever he isn't around I just feel... Sad for some reason, and whenever he smiles and laughs while talking to AZKi I just feel a pang of jealousy in my heart... I don't understand why I'm feeling this way... It's been like this for a while now... What's going on?

I was walking through the school hallway with him when AZKi turned up, smiling enthusiastically as she spoke with Arato-kun, who seemed to be enjoying himself a lot.
There it was again, the sudden sting of jealousy that I don't understand... What's going on with me? Why am I feeling this way? He's just talking to a friend...
As we hung out near the lockers, a voice booms behind us, making us turn around to face them on instinct.

"Still popular with the girls I see!" Fenacity La Guierre said out loud to his fellow bodyguard friends and to Vincent. His tone extremely condescending, rude, and bordering on menacing Arato-kun just responded with a sigh and listened to whatever Fena was going to say next. Meanwhile me and AZKi stood infront of him with a weary look on our faces, our guard held up as we knew Arato-kun couldn't really defend himself in this scenario.

"Still better than hanging out with you, La Guierre." AZKi responded with a casual happy, energetic, and carefree tone that had a hint of sassiness to it. Something that Fena didn't appreciate in the slightest, and he just gave Arato-kun a scowl, meanwhile Vincent was trying to calm him down though it was clear even he was losing his cool.
"Calm down Fenacity, let the doc enjoy the attention a bit more before we snatch it away." Vincent said, his tone was calm and collected but I could sense a bit of agitation in his voice.

After what seemed like a standoff, Vincent and his entourage relented and left us alone, but I could still feel the nervousness that built up during that interaction. Arato-kun remained calm and collected while AZKi remained as carefree as ever, I just hope this doesn't escalate further...
"Let's just get to class..." Arato-kun calmly said after letting out a sigh, I really admire how calm this guy can be sometimes...

We then got to our classroom and sat down, Yagoo-sensei entering in after a few minutes and beginning the lecture. It was something about the world around us and magic, since I wasn't taught this stuff (minus the healing magic that Arato-kun taught me), it really got my attention. I missed out all of these things because I was stuck in enslavement, but now that I have such a kind person taking me in, I'm free to absorb as much knowledge as I could get.

As I focused on the lecture, I often caught Vincent stealing glances at me, and Fena stealing glances at AZKi, there was something about those glances that caused each of my body hair to stand on end, a regular person might not have noticed but since I was abused on a daily basis before I ended up with Arato-kun, I ended up with a sixth sense when it came to people stealing glances at me.

I shuddered at the knowledge of what he was doing, but in the end I ignored it and focused on listening to Yagoo-sensei. I tried my best to push Vincent's gaze to the back of my head but the anxiety was always there, gnawing away at me.As I listened, I noticed AZKi writing intensely on a notebook, she's a really hardworking student huh...

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