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Despite it being a Saturday, the entire student body reported to homeroom before assembling on the Academy steps, separated by class and sat in alphabetical order. Her own last name, Pelides, sat her directly next to Sejanus Plinth. The crowd had free reign to speak until nine, but both stayed silent. When the Academy clock struck nine, the crowd fell silent, and Coriolanus took the stage to sign the national anthem.

The president took the podium next. "Two days ago, Arachne Crane's young and precious life was ended, and so we mourn another victim of the criminal rebellion that yet besieges us."

Riyana did not need to look over at Sejanus's face to know his reaction, she could see it in the corner of her eyes as she watched his fingers clenched over the fabric of his pants. Without thinking she simply placed her hand on top of his, her eyes never leaving the podium. It took a moment, but eventually Sejanus took his other hand and placed it on top as well, gently squeezing her hand below.

"Her death was as valiant as any on the battlefield, her loss more profound as we claim to be at peace. But no peace will exist while this disease eats away at all that is good and noble in our country.  Today we honor her sacrifice with a reminder that while evil exists, it does not prevail. And yet again, we bear witness as our great capital brings justice to Panem." President Ravinstill continued.

Drums began to boom and the crowd's head turned towards the funeral procession just turning onto the street. Twenty four peacekeepers marched in front, followed by a flat-bedded truck, a ten foot tall crane attached. Riyana quickly looked away as she saw what hung the crane. Dangling over the rest of the tributes hung the district ten tributes' bullet ridden body.

Riyana pulled her hand away from Sejanus and used both to stifle a gasp.

"These fucking monsters." Sejanus muttered, his gaze dropping to the floor. Riyana watched his legs began to shake, and in fear of him acting out in front of everyone, she placed her hand back on top of his leg, and felt it slowly come to a stop.

"They're sick, they're all fucking sick." He said, turning towards her.

Riyana watched as his face grew red and his eyes watery, only being able to nod. She wanted to agree loudly, yell about how disgusting this is, flip her chair in retaliation, just do anything to say this was not right. She knew better than to do any of those, she had not been raised to act in such manor, so she just nodded.

It was only when she witnessed him angrily brushing away a single tear that had escaped that Riyana found the courage to speak. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely above a hush.

As he remained silent, Riyana turned her gaze back towards the truck, now significantly closer. Frantically scanning the area for Sabyn, she searched for a glimpse of reassurance regarding her tribute's safety. However, Sabyn was nowhere to be seen among the other kneeling tributes, leaving Riyana's leg now being the one to shake anxiously.

"She's alright, she's just behind Repear." Sejanus assured her, sensing the cause of her unease without having to be told.

Riyana sat up straighter in her seat, and saw this was true. "Thank you." She whispered.

Sejanus only nodded and looked ahead back at the podium, attempting to regain composure.

Following another set of peacekeepers, a group of horses emerged, bearing an ornate wagon. Nestled within the wagon was Arachne's white coffin, adorned with a cascade of vibrant flowers. Trailing behind, her family sat in a matching wagon, their expressions strained and uneasy.

Once the coffin had neared the podium, the procession paused, and Dr Gaul took the stage. When she answered the questions that weighed on many of the students' minds, assuring that the hunger games would go on despite this loss, Riyana instinctively glanced over at Sejanus. She watched as his jaw locked and his eyes squinted.

 Corruption of Ambition | Sejanus PlinthWhere stories live. Discover now