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Chapter information

Part One Jealousy in Clovis's, A Senators Job, One Dance, Patience and Control, I don't recognise you, Back to Normal.. Right?
• Anakin and Padmé pre empire - The Clone wars are raging on, Anakin is away from Coruscant more often then he's at Coruscant while Padmé is busy fighting the political side of the war - but what happens when Clovis and Padmé start to work on a project together that might just win the Republic the war? And what happens when Anakin, who is against them working together from the start, can't quite keep his jealousy to himself?

Part two - The Dutchess, Critical Tensions, The horros of Politics, not my Satine
Obiwan and Satine - they've been friends for years, but as the clone wars take a shift for the worst Obiwan and Satine can't ignore their contrasting beliefs on the war and Jedi's involvement in it any longer. Obiwan is too stubborn about his position in the order to admit he cares for Satine. Satine is too invested in helping those suffering because of the war to see past the Jedi's involvement in the war. Tensions between the two take a turn for the worst, especially when their friends Anakin and Padmé, who had always been good friends for years suddenly can't stand eachother.

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