Jealousy in Clovis's

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Trade Routes through outer-rim planets have once again been blocked off by unknown sources.
Ticking, was the only sound present as Padmé read through her report, eyes straining.
Droid codes have been found in these areas which leads to speculation of separatist-
Tap tap tap. Her frustration build with each sentence she  read.
Sighing Padmé shoved the papers away, turning to the large widow that framed her office.
The sky leaked vibrant colours slowly suffocating into black, as the day hum of Coruscant slowly quietened into the buzz of the planets nightlife.
On a regular day the sunset would not have mattered, the fact that most senators were already or on their way home would have meant little to Padmé as she found the evenings the best time to be in her office.
And while today might have felt like all others, meetings with her fellow senators, information summaries she wrote for her queen, vital reports that were sent to her desk-
Padmé sighed as she refrained from looking at the clock, knowing it had not changed its time rapidly in the last 5 minutes since she had last allowed herself to look at it, knowing that obsessing over it would not change the fact that he was late. Very late. And not here.
Shaking her head Padmé willed herself to palm the report, to flip back to page one and absorb the context this time.
Jedi knights have reported disturbing findings in supposedly neutral planets-
Padmé groaned, throwing the papers on her desk and rising.
It was useless, Anakin had a hold on her, one much deeper and stronger than she cared to admit, than she allowed herself to even consider.
And yet she stood here in her office, a sickening feeling twisting her gut as she once again looked at the time.
He was over 3 hours late. Even with the rationality she had used on herself for the past three hours, Anakin is Always late - he will be here any moment, she had long passed that now, and was filled with nothing but dread.
War raged on all around them, on planets far and close to Coruscant, and her husband was in the middle of it.
A thought that made it hard for Padmé to sleep on the very nights he was away, that made her not only miss him on his weeks long missions but terrified for him.
As she was now, he had sent a telegram yesterday saying-
Closing her eyes, Padmé felt all her worries, all her stress and concerns disappear as his voice washed over her, as his presence seemed to make everything okay.
Slowly turning she opened her eyes and crossed her arms, the moment of relief replaced in a heartbeat.
"Don't ever do that to me again Anakin Skywalker."
Walking with his usual arrogance, Padmé tried not to stare as her husband closed her office door behind him and strutted towards her an easy smile on his face.
"Anakin? Uh oh am I in trouble?"
Nothing but humour lit his eyes as he paused infront of her his presence sucking out the air from the room and Padmes lungs. She kept her ground.
"Don't joke around you were three hours late three! I was-"
He leaned down his face hovering over hers,
"Concerned? Maybe even... Scared?"
Padmé was well aware of his eyes on her lips as he kept guessing, obviously distracted-
"My feelings aside it is impracticable for a member of the Jedi order to-"
"Why don't we skip to the part where you tell me how much you missed me and we kiss?"
That stupid smirk was plastered on Anakins face as his eyes seemed to stare at her lips hungrily.
Padmé, damn her self control, felt herself melt as she shut up and met his searing gaze, the only conformation Anakin needed before he claimed her mouth with his in a passionate kiss.
Every fibre in Padmes body ignited as Anakin's mouth willed hers open, their bodies pressed flushed together as-
A deep knocking sound echoed through her office, forcing them to jump apart, breathing hard as both their gazes fell to the door.
Seeing her husbands mouth half open and most likely on their verge of saying something stupid, Padmé stalked to behind her desk and called,
"Come in"
Straightening her dress.
Anakin said nothing as he stumbled to the couch on the opposite side of the room, a promise in his eyes that vanished the moment the door creaked open.
"I know it's late but- Skywalker?"
Clovis entered the room carrying what looked like a large report and stopped mid step noticing Anakin.
Tension buzzed through the room as Anakin pursed his lips, standing and not subtly walking towards Padmé.
Closing her eyes, Padmé tried to stay positive as the two men who clearly despised eachother began to talk.
"What are you doing in Amidala's office so late at night?"
"I could ask you the same question-"
Yeah, that was bite in Anakins voice, Padmé could sense a fire brewing. Fortunately Clovis, ever the civilian decided to grace her with a small mercy and answer Anakins question.
"Uh well.."
He turned to Padmé placing the large report carefully on her desk.
"I believe you got Organa's message?"
A slight nod was all she gave him, her eyes glancing at Anakin before offering Clovis a smile.
"I lost track of time and thought you should have these by tomorrow."
"Thank you."
She meant it, even if the stack of papers he had just left on her desk meant she would have less time with Anakin while he remained on Coruscant. Despite her love for her husband, her devotion to ending this war was a larger priority and she and Clovis would be working on something major starting tomor-
"Anything for you Padmé."
Padmé didn't miss the way Anakin tensed, or the friendly smile Clovis offered her, her thoughts evaporated as her fellow senator turned to her husband.
"It was nice seeing you Skywalker, even if it was unexpectedly."
Thinking fast Padmé blurted as Clovis headed for the door.
"I asked Anakin here to give me a personal report on the blockages concerning the trade routes, he was one of Jedi tasked to investigate them. It was very kind of him to do so on the night he arrived back as well as on such late notice."
Padmé held her breath as Clovis turned, his smile was nothing but understanding as he bowed his head to Anakin.
"I am sure you will be one of the main causes that end this war."
And then he was gone, leaving Anakin and Padmé in silence as they listened to his footsteps echo down the hallway.
Slumping against her seat, Padmé picked up Clovis's report and withheld a groan. She would have to read through this tonight-
"How often does he visit your office at night?"
Blinking Padmé brought her gaze to where Anakin was leaning across her desk gaze sharply on hers.
Sighing, Padmé waved her hand and looked down to the report again.
"Not often, only when it's vital."
A long silence stretched between them as Padmé read the introduction, Anakin seemed deep in thought before he sat down and asked a little too casually.
"What was so vital that he needed to bring you that report now."
Looking at him through her lashes Padmé rolled her eyes at her husband.
"We were assigned an important project earlier this afternoon, it may end this war."
The question caused Padmé to set down the report.
"That is what I implied. Why focus on that, not the fact that we might end this war."
Anakin leaned back setting his boots on her desk as he took out his lightsabre and flicked it up into the air.
"Padmé it occurred to me a long time ago that you would end this war, the Jedi- me, we're just the muscle keeping the republic from loosing until you do."
Something in Padmes stomach fluttered at his confession, she slid her report away and looked at him, resting her chin on her folded hands.
Smirking Anakin winked at her.
"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't think so."
Huffing a laugh Padmé picked up her report again, reading the first paragraph.
Anakin was silent until she reached the third one.
"Anyone else working on this or is it just you and Clovis."
Absent mindedly Padmé replied.
"Organa will contribute but it is mainly me and Clovis."
Anakin continued to throw and catch his lightsabre.
"So you two will spend a lot of alone time."
"I guess."
The fourth paragraph was thick and Padmé felt her eyes start to droop as she began it.
"Late night dinners?"
"All nighters."
"It is likely to happen."
Padmé was half asleep, barely absorbing the words infront of her or her replies to Anakin.
"Staying together?"
"It's probable- wait what."
Snapping her eyes to her husband Padmé gaped at him.
"What kind of question was that."
Anakin shrugged, attaching his lightsabre to his belt with a little more force than needed.
Narrowing her eyes Padmé crossed her arms.
"Do you have any other questions?"
Taking his boots of her desk Anakin leaned forward.
"Will you two spend nights together."
Padmé narrowed her eyes further.
"What do you mean by that."
"You know if it gets late-"
"If it gets late we will work through the night until one of us gets tired and we go home."
"To who's home?"
Padmé stood up suddenly, disgust curling in her stomach.
"We will each go to our own home! Are you suggesting I'm unloyal to you Anakin?"
Anakin stood too, eyebrows scrunched.
"No of course not-"
"Then what the hell are you talking about-"
"I just don't trust Clovis-"
"Oh and why is that?"
"I have a feeling-"
Sighing Padmé walked around her desk so that she was right infront of him, arms crossed.
"What kind of feeling?"
Anakins throat baubled.
"I- he's your ex! He's untrustworthy!"
Padmé leaned over her desk and grabbed the report.
"We ended our relationship Years ago mutually, we are both able to work together as adults and even be friends. It has not been an issue for anyone except you, you jealous jackass!"
Padmé didn't bother to listen to whatever he had to say, rage a fireary enemy inside her veins she bolted for the door, slamming it hard in Anakins face behind her.
The sound of the door opening and footsteps following her were evident but Padmé got into a speeder before Anakin could catch up and drove to her apartment, closing the door behind her.
"Stupid- Jealous- Jackass!"
Setting down the stupid report on the kitchen table Padmé sat down on the couch her head in her hands.
This was not how today was supposed to have gone-
A loud pounding sounded, Padmé looked up to see Anakin hanging from the side of her building infront of her glass window.
Reckless idiot-
Unable to allow anything bad to happen to Anakin, despite his incompetence she opened the window and watched arms crossed as he smoothing climbed through.
"What do you think your doing-"
"You locked your door."
"Some people would have taken that as a hint."
Anakin flashed her a grin, before sighing and sitting down on the lounge chair, like he always did when he was here, it seemed so normal a lump formed in Padmes throat.
"Look I'm sorry, I acted like a jerk, I don't trust Clovis but that doesn't mean I don't trust you."
Padmé watched him carefully.
Anakin held her gaze before swallowing,
He gritted his teeth seeming to choke on the words.
"I have- ev- nothing against strangl- with you no-"
Anakin coughed loudly.
"With you working with him."
A long silence.
He added,
"Late at night."
It seemed like the words were physically getting ripped from him.
"Nothing at all against it."
His eyes flashed but Anakin held his toung waiting for Padmes reply.
She said nothing so he groaned.
"Can we please skip to the part were you remember how much you missed me and how worried about me you were while I was gone."
"You acting like a jackass made me wish you were still gone."
Flashing her with a smile Anakin laughed, "now I know that's not true. Your bed is cold when I'm gone and your nights are eventless."
A seductive gleam caught his eye as Padmé squirmed.
She looked at her nails and muttered.
"Not the nights I spend with Clovis."
She watched with satisfaction as Anakin stilled, and then slowly began to move again.
"Cruel woman"
He muttered.
Padmé shrugged.
"You deserved it."
His face was blank for one second, then another before a grin broke out and he admitted.
"Fine maybe I did."
Padmé stood, offering a hand to her husband.
"How long are you in Coruscant for this time?"
Deflating a little Anakins smile slipped.
"Barley 6  hours."
Padmé pulled him towards her bedroom, her heart clenching as a sense of sadness washed over her.
"Let's make the best of it then."
She whispered.

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