A senators job

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Anakin, in Anakin fashion decided to steer the starship through take off.
It gave Padmé a moment to take a breath and to gather her thoughts and realise how many ways these next couple of days could go wrong.
What the repercussions would be for Anakin, for Clovis if Anakin got angered and ultimately, herself.
As she sat contemplating this Clovis seated himself across from her and said.
"We have a slight issue."
Was her only reply as she played with a loose strand of hair.
"You are aware we will be flying over night."
"And only you and I were meant to come?"
Dropping the hair she was playing with Padmé looked at Clovis.
"What is it?"
"This starship only has two chambers to sleep in.. I was wondering what you suggest we do. Obviously I don't mind sharing with Sky-"
Just as Padmé was about to say what a bad idea that would be Anakins voice sounded from the doorway.
"It's alright I'll sleep in the cot in the cockpit."
Clovis made a face "that's for captains- not high esteemed Jedis."
Anakin just grinned stalking towards them and pulling out a chair before turning it around and sitting on it, his arms leaning on its back.
"I've slept in much worse conditions Senator, after a week of sleeping on the ground the cot will be a lux-"
Padmes face must have shown the horror twisting in her gut because Anakin broke off the moment his gaze met hers. Clearing his throat he said.
"What I mean is I don't mind at all."
A heavy silence shifted between the three of them as no one dared to speak.
Finally, it being to awkward for him to handle Clovis cleared his throat.
"I have to inform the family of the function that they will be hosting one more person.."
With that he was gone, the door slamming behind him was almost comical as if he could not get away faster.
Anakin relaxed instantly leaning back in his chair, the way he always did and crossed his arms.
"So.... Three day trips with Clovis, things are getting serious."
Padmé knew what he was doing, knew it was because of his jealous. She let him have the benefit of the doubt for now.
"We may be able to unveil the Separatist leader Anakin."
"So you've mentioned."
He did not seem impressed, not at all excited by this prospect. Padmé narrowed her eyes.
"Do you know what this means?"
"We can finally put a name and face to the asshole?"
Huffing out a laugh, Padmé stood, unable to sit down.
"The leader, like his apprentice has committed horrific crimes that are punishable by life in prison."
Padmé paced.
"The difference is we would be able to arrest him instantly, we know his crimes, have critical proof of them we just need his identity."
Anakin frowned.
"Your assuming you can catch him, if we could catch sith that easily, we would have them all by now."
Padmé smiled.
"That's the thing, he's hiding in plain sight, we found evidence of it yesterday. If we figure out who he or she is without them catching onto us...."
Anakin jumped out of his chair a feral grin on his face.
"Surprise arrest...."
Walking towards her Anakins smile was brighter than the sun as he whispered.
"The war would be over."
Padmé put a hand on his shoulder.
"You wouldn't have to be away as often."
Shaking his head, somehow Anakin's smile grew wider.
"We could be together, I could leave the order and we wouldn't have to pretend... we could have a family Padmé. A life."
Butterflies swamped Padmes gut at the thought of it, she felt herself smile and as she looked at Anakin she noticed their was a sparkle in his eye.
"I need you to do someone for me."
She muttered, hugging him.
Was his reply.
"I know it's hard. I know you dislike Clovis and the fact that me and him are spending so much time together recently."
Anakin's said nothing as Padmé took a break.
"But I need you to trust him, to trust me, don't get jealous, if we can figure out who the Separatist leader is at this function..."
She didn't have to finish the sentence Anakin knew what she was saying.
Slowly, he broke off the hug, tugged a piece of hair away from her eyes and nodded slowly, his mouth pursed.
"I'll try."
It wasn't a promise, but coming from Anakin, it meant the world.
Padmé took a step away from him, even though it killed her, being close with Clovis on board was a risk they could not take.
Anakin must have read it in her eyes because he too moved away and sat down.
"Now what?"
Sighing, Padmé sat across from him.
"We wait, then we sleep, and finally we will be there."
Nodding Anakin took out his lightsabre again and threw it in the air.
"What would my lovely wife."
He whispered the last word.
"Like to talk about."
Padmé crossed her arms.
"First, what the consequences for you are gonna be for pulling this little stunt."
She motioned around them as Anakin froze for a moment and then moved again, like nothing happened.
"And second, where the hell you have been for the last week and why you didn't write me."

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