The horros of Politics

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Just a question, would you guys like me to add smutt to this fan fiction.  I'll put a warning don't worry.

White walls littered with classical artwork, framed the halls, while a plush carpet, with chairs and couches spread out evenly ontop of it, filled the spacious living room.
Obiwan found Padmé at her kitchen island, deep in thought as she sipped something from her mug.
Gone were her heavy Senator gowns and intricate hairstyles. Instead she wore a simple flower dress with her hair lose.
She looked young, her real age really, even as frown lines etched her forehead.
Obiwan did not want to disturb her, not when she was to be work free for a week, based on the instructions the medical droid had left her.
Obiwan wasn't stupid he found that unlikely, infact Padmé was most likely thinking about work right now.
Yet it felt intruding to interrupt her, he swallowed, having little to no choice in the matter, even if he knew her haunted look well.
Straightening, she turned to him and smiled, the expression good, for being fake.
"Obiwan, what a pleasant surprise- I had imagined you would still be at the hospital."
Clovis and Satine were still there, their conditions improving rapidly, to Obiwans relief.
"I was, but something same up, I have been called away to investigation something with the Jedi Council"
Padmes eyebrows drew together.
"May I ask what?"
Obiwan steadied his breathing even as his hands began to shake a little.
"Separatist activity has been discovered on Tatooine- its... not good."
He didn't need to get into the details- Padmé was a Senator, she was well aware of what happened on the outterim planets, what the republic kept from the media.
"Does Anakin know?"
The question was careful, even as Obiwan winced.
"Not yet, the council tasked me with informing him- they want him to join me on this mission."
He watched Padmé pale, watched as she sucked in a breath before whispering.
"It is his home planet- it's where his mother died- do they not know what telling him will entail not only for him? But the people on Tatooine?"
"They are aware. They wish.. to test him."
The words tasted foul in Obiwans mouth, he shuttered at the cruelty behind it- he had tried to derail the idea, Yoda had been on his side, but Windu- had been insistent.
"Well then."
Padmé seemed at a loss for words, she took a moment before continuing.
"When do you leave?"
"Why did you inform me?"
This was the hard part, Obiwan walked towards one of the chairs and sat down.
"I know things between you and Anakin have not been... well."
A clouded look was the only response he received from Padmé as she stiffened.
"But I do think it would be beneficial if you came along on this mission, not only for your safety with an assassin around, but as research against the separatists. We may also have in-tell of potential Separatist leaders being present."
It was risky and maybe a little selfish to ask Padmé to come. But Obiwan was out of options, and Padmé... Anakin would kill Obiwan if he told anyone, had left Anakin in a terrible state yesterday.
It made him sick to see his friend like that. Even if he could not find it in his heart to blame Padmé.
"Of course I will go." She pursed her lips, her unspoken words clear. Even if it entails I have to be with Anakin for a couple of days.
"Do not feel pressured." He felt obligated to mention that, but Padmé was already standing.
"Allow me an hour to leave my affairs in order and pack. Then I will be ready."
Obiwan didn't say much, as he nodded. That left him an hour to get him and Anakin, who was still at the hospital, ready, as well as find a Jedi to guard Clovis and Satine in the hospital while they were gone.
This time he would stay until the Jedi arrived.

An hour later, Anakin was in the cockpit, definitely ignoring Padmé, while Obiwan sat across from the Senator keeping a watchful eye on her.
She said nothing, as she read through a report, her face scrunching up every once in a while.
Eventually she finished, and looked up at him with a faint frown.
"He's avoiding me."
It wasn't so much a question as a statement.
"I'm sure your aware that he's in love with you. I'm not quite sure what you said to him at the hospital but clearly it had its affects on him."
Padmé pursed her lips.
"He's childish."
"Have you met Anakin?"
It was perhaps not the best response, but in that moment, Obiwan felt it was best to be blunt.
"Yes but- he has a vendetta against Clovis. I cannot be- friends.. with someone like that."
Obiwan twisted his moustache.
"I do not know what to tell you."
It was the truth, he could tell her that Anakin would learn, that he would evolve? But would he? Obiwan didn't know. Not that it mattered, Padmé wasn't going to base anything off he said. She was the type of person who believed in results, not words. Unfortunately for Anakin.
A comfortable silence fell between them, until Padmé muttered.
"You care for Satine."
Confused by the sudden subject change, Obiwan answered hesitantly.
"She is a good friend, yes."
Those warm brown eyes focused on him with such intensity that Obiwan felt bare.
"I think if you allowed yourself to admit it, you may realise that is not all there is to it."
Nausea slithered it's way through Obiwan, not at the thought of liking Satine, but that Padmé may be right. He had spend his whole life following the Jedi Code. Wanting to follow it- he didn't know anything else.
"I follow the Jedi code. I am not Anakin."
Padmé simply hmed while she studied him.
"Satine has been fairly hostile towards you recently"
"What's with the interrogation?"
Padmé shrugged.
"There's a lot of tension in this group we have formed."
"That is because Anakin is part of it, drama is his middle name."
Padmé didn't even smile at his joke, instead she sighed and whispered.
"What did you do to Satine."
It was the truth, Satine had decided that their opposing views meant they could not be civil to eachother anymore. When Obiwan had asked her if there was something else, she had told him that the fact that he didn't know made it worse. She still hadn't told Obiwan what it was, leaving him confused.
Anakin materialised in the doorway, avoiding looking in Padmes direction all together.
"We will arrive in 7 hours. I'm going to sleep now."
With that he left, leaving Obiwan stunned and Padmé with a large frown.
"It's midday."
"He still acts like a teenager."
Was the only response Obiwan had.
Padmé seemed content with that. She stood and stretched her legs, before grabbing another stack of reports.
Obiwan, sensing Padmé was not in the mood to talk, went to the navigation room and communicated with the Jedi council.
Throughout the whole trip, tensions buzzed through the air to the point where Obiwan was sure everyone would explode. No one did, but the eerily silence made him wish otherwise.

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