🖤🖤CHAPTER 12🖤🖤

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TIME 12:30 PM

GD: ok guys there is a change in our plan as you know agent black just got shifted to her new family so she can't leave the house to complete this mission in the middle of the night easily like she used to so I want Agent Red to take agent black to his apartment then you guys will be ready there and also agent red *agent black nodded* and then you guys will leave from there to the club for the mission. and remember one slight mistake can also take your life so be extra careful *they nodded *OK all the best guys!! I hope you complete the mission and come without injuries *Smile*ok meeting dismissed.

saying that he leaves the meeting room to his cabin leaving Agent black and red in there. you are wondering how she is in the agency and why GD said it's not easy for her because tonight in Kim's mansion some of their business partners are coming to sign the deal and there is also a 90% chance that they will stay one night in Kim Mansion so between that period while she is gone if someone check on her and find out that she is not in Kim Mansion then she is in a big trouble so to avoid that she has to leave Kim Mansion for one night but there is also a trouble that she don't have friend nor any relative or also she doesn't know anyone in Seoul or someone close to her?? so, she discussed this with GD, and he said that if she doesn't mind, she can address Agent Red as her friend and go to his apartment as he lives alone and get ready also Agent Red doesn't have any problem with that.


Agent Black: ok then I am coming to your apartment at 8:00 pm tell me your address. 

Agent Red: it's xxx building 10th floor. 

Agent Black: hmm.... *Thinking something and then spoke* ok then I will be at your place till 8 and also thank you for your co-operation and understanding my situation *said politely while standing up from her seat *

Agent Red: anytime and it's OK. If anyone else was in my place, then I am sure he would also help you so don't say thank you. 

agent black just nodded her head and said "ok then I am off" Then she directly left the room and left the agency and directly went toward the nearest bus stop and took a bus to her school's nearest bus stop (yes you are right she bunks her school and come to agency) 

soon she reached the nearest bus stop and directly went toward the convince store to change her look into her school uniform opposite to bus stop. 

as she came out of the store, she looked toward her wristwatch and then at her school's entrance which is only a few meters away from the store, and said," 60 seconds more.











and boom" Everyone started to come out of the school as the school was over and she started to walk to the store's parking lot and took her cycle which she parked before going to the agency. and went toward Kim Mansion

soon she reached Kim Mansion parked her cycle and went to the living room and saw everyone was present there also including JIN as she was passing by them Jin called her and spoke 

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