🖤🖤CHAPTER 14 🖤🖤

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At the agent's red apartment at 6:00 am 

a girl wakes up early and then checks the time to see it's only 6 in the morning then she gets up from the bed sets it up and goes to do her morning routine and get ready.  

after some time, she was ready to leave the apartment, but her stomach growled making her stop on its track and then she directly went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. and found enough things for making pancakes in the morning and started making them.

After some time, she was done with her breakfast and not to forget she also made some for Agent Red as she knew he must be hungry as he had to spend his whole night on the mission and after that in the agency.

soon she finished her breakfast washed the utensils and placed the pancakes on the kitchen counter where he could easily see them. and suddenly she remembered about the dress. (which she wore last night in the club) and place it on the sofa and leave a note on it. 

>> Please take care of this dress on my behalf me as I can't take it with me. you know what just throw it away -_-

after that, she was ready to leave the apartment and left it and directly went to cycle parking and left for Kim's mansion as she exited the building's entrance Agent Red entered in through the other side of the building removed his mask, and went to his home sweet home opened the door and directly went on the kitchen to grab a water bottle, but something caught his attention the plate placed on the counter and then he come to know that about the pancakes about the note left by yn on the plate 

>> I know you must be hungry so pancakes for ya!! ^_^

after reading that a small smile came on his face and murmured a small thank you and started eating them soon he was finished and washed the utensils and then came to know that she also cleaned the mess created by him in the kitchen but he couldn't help but give a small smile and went to the room to freshen up and after some time he come out and decided to sleep but he got thirsty as he was going something shinning come in his eyes catching his attention and when he checks there was the dress worn by agent black last night and a note she left and reading that something came up in his mind and he decided to keep the dress and after that he checked the main door and windows was all locked and grabbed a water bottle from refrigerator and laid on bed as tiredness took over him and he slept


soon yn reached the Kim mansion and as she entered as was meet with pure silence, but she shrugged it thinking everyone must be sleeping because of the party last night as she about to climb the stairs a deep voice come from her behind making her stop in her track and she turned back only to found out the person was Tae-Hyung holding glass of juice in his hands and looking at her in confusion and waiting for her to answer his question 

 Taehyung- I said from where you are coming Missy?? he again said in his deep voice making yn come out of her thought.    

YN- ohh...well, I'm coming from one of my friend's house after completing my project *nervous laugh*

Tae-Hyung- so mean that you weren't here last night. right?? no wonder you didn't show up last night.

YN - yup!! you guessed it right so may I go??? 

Tae-Hyung- hmm...you can *thinking something *

Yn- thanx btw where is Jin oppa ?? 

Tae-Hyung who was drinking his juice while sitting on sofa chocked really hard and spit half of the juice on sofa and the carpet on the floor. 

Tae-Hyung- what you said??

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