🖤🖤CHAPTER 15🖤🖤

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"Phone ringing"

unknown- ahh... who the fuck is calling me? right now? "annoyed"

saying that he picked up the call and the person on the other side of the phone said something that made him come out of his sleep. 


unknown- hello...who is it?

person- you knew very well my dear son 'smirk.'

unknown- cut the crap and tell me why you call me after so many years huh?? what do you want now after ruining my life and the things you did in the past aren't you satisfied? "angry"

person- calm down my son

unknown- dare to call me your son and just fucking tell me why you call?

person- so listen I want you to come and handle my business because after me you are the one who will take care of it. and today we have a dinner to attend so come home before 6. understand?

firstly, he was about to deny his offer, but something came up in his mind that made him smirk. 

unknown- sure father... I'll come 'smirking.'

saying that he cut the call and when he checked the time it was 4:30 pm so he decided to get a warm shower after some time he came out and packed his necessary and left the apartment and then took his car 

saying that he cut the call and when he checked the time it was 4:30 pm so he decided to get a warm shower after some time he came out and packed his necessary and left the apartment and then took his car 

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and leave for his destination means his father's mansion. 



Jin came out from the kitchen and called Jungkook. 

JIN- Jungkook... where are you punk? 

JUNGKOOK- coming Hyung *shouting from upstairs*

and he came running downstairs and spoke. 

Jungkook- you called me Hyung? 

JIN- yes, aren't I told you to bring the flowers for guests huh? 

Jungkook- okay am going. 

as he was about to leave hearing JIN he stopped on his track and  

JIN - aren't you forgetting something or someone?

JUNGKOOK- I didn't think so Hyung... Wait I have money with me and my phone so what am I forgetting Hyung?

JIN- dumbo you are forgetting yn 

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