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a man is being beaten with an iron rod.
a man with well build body beating him like there is no tomorrow. Without mercy.  5-6 men all covered in black from head to toe. Standing looking at his state without doing anything a woman is screaming all tired with ropes on her chair. Is screaming to death to stop her husband from being beaten but a girl is sitting there all silent just silently staring at the man who is beating him with an iron rod.

the first time, in her life she regretted it the most.

she is regretting for acting in front of him being his daughter all the time.

the first time, she is regretting putting the person in the dark who loved her the most in this world. 

For the first time in her entire life about felt how it is had to a father.

but now, she can't do anything except regret it.

but her all thoughts were interrupted by a scream from a woman sitting beside her.

woman: Nooooooooooooooooo *Tears started to flow more from her eyes.*

 she struggled more in the grip of the rope.   

About now all the men were left releasing the mother-and-daughter and Mrs. Lee hurriedly ran to Mr. Lee and started crying more 

as Yn took a few small steps toward her father, scared that she is going to lose her father once again and this time her father is also dying because of her, she never going to forgive herself ever again just because of her fucking revenge an innocent has to lose his life. 

and now Mr. Lee's heart is going down. and his pulse rate is also going down there is no advantage to taking him to the hospital.

but Mrs. Lee went outside to call someone for help as she was not in a state to carry his husband leaving her alone Yn with Mr. Lee.

as Mr. Lee was now breathing with a lot of difficulty; he gestured Yn to come near her and Yn came to him hugged him and started crying loudly seeing him in a miserable state. 

Yn: Dad I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark because of me you are dying today.

Mr. Lee raises his hand to pat her head to make her feel better. 

Mr. Lee: don't worry my child and don't cry. it makes me feel more miserable that I can't able to spend more time with you. 

Yn: sorry Dad for keeping u in the dark. *crying*

Mr. Lee: I know you were acting all the time and did not accept us as your parents. 

Yn looked at him with a shocked expression. 

Yn: h-how?   'Confusion was seen on her face as well as a shocked expression.'

Me Lee just gave a soft chuckle and said 'I know it from the start when you come to our home. And I also listened to everything you said that day that you were acting from the start, and I also know that you gain lose your memory after I month you came into this house.'  making Yn even more shocked

now he started to breathe with difficulty making Yn shocked yet worried 

Yn: what should I do now?? 'Saying to herself'

Mr. Lee: y-yn  'take a deep breath.'

Yn: y-yes d-dad crouched near him.

Mr. Lee: make m-me a pr-promise.

Yn: what promise Dad??

Mr. Lee: please keep your mother happy.  don't let her shed any tears. don't leave her at any cost. never leave her side. no matter whether you accept her as your mother or not, I can assure you that she loves you with her whole heart. she is the one who requested me to adopt u. if you want to pay me back for your deeds just keep her happy and don't let her shed any tears because of you. *Please tears started to fall from their eyes*

Yn: I-I Promise that I will keep her happy at any cost. but please don't leave us like that dad. 

Mr. Lee: one more thing if she wants to marry again, please let her do that so that she will be happy with someone else and it's better if she forgets about me and moves on 'Yn nodded her head vigorously as a yes. 

Yn: I promise that Dad I promise. *Tears flowing from her eyes *

soon Mr. Lee closed his eyes with a satisfied smile on his face. but little did they both know that Mrs. Lee listened to all of their conversations [except the betrayal part]. standing in the front door and tears started to fall from her eyes seeing the person she loved with her whole heart close his eyes forever leaving her alone in this world. and she loses her balance and falls on the cold floor

 hearing that thud voice Yn looks back and hurriedly runs to her to give support but when Mrs. Lee sees that Yn approaches her; she hugs her tightly. and Yn started to comfort her soon she passed out in her daughter's arms and then an arrow shot and passed just an inch away from Yn everything happened in slow motion. 

when she looked at the arrow a piece of paper was stuck or say tied on the stick she put Mrs. Lee's head on the floor and went near the arrow to see what was written on the paper she saw what made her even more shocked and scared at the same time.



                                                                                                                                        YOU WELLWISHER"









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