Chapter Seventy Seven

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"I love you," I told her before leaving my room, making my way out to my car.

I was more frustrated than anything. Lyra was keeping shit from me, and I know there's a lot I don't know about her still, but she had no reason to keep whatever the hell Levi had over her from me.

There isn't a possible thing in the entire world that could change the way I feel about her. I was madly in love with her.

A few photos from her ex aren't going to change that.

She was stubborn, which made it hard to get anything out of her. We were both often way too stubborn for our own good. She sure as hell wouldn't tell me anything until she was good and ready, not even if I had evidence and fact in front of her face.

I wasn't going to let that fucker impact her sleep, even for one night. She stays up and worries, tosses and turns all night long.

She has a hard enough time sleeping, this wasn't going to follow her into tomorrow.

It wasn't going to happen tonight, he wasn't going to ruin everything she has done and how far she's come. There wasn't a fucking way I was letting him do that to her.

When I pulled up to Levi's house, it was dark other than for a couple lights in the front.

I got out of my car, slipping my keys into my pocket as I made my way up to the front door. Raising my visit to knock on the white door.

After a minute, Levi came to the door. His eyes widened slightly as he smiled. "Hey, River. What brings you here, Man?"

I lglanced over his shoulder. "You wanna have a drink and play pool?"

"Sure, yeah. Parents are gone for the week." He stepped aside and let me into the house.


I stepped in and followed his down to the basement I had only been down to a couple times during parties.

He hadn't me a closed beer from the fridge as I put my jacket down.

"Thanks, Man. Thanks for coming to the game too."

"You guys did good. Extremely close."

"Yeah." I opened the bottle and set it down, crossing my arms.

"So Williams is your basket bunny?"

I could have broke his nose right fucking there.
"Girlfriend. How did you date her?"

"I wouldn't exactly call it that. You know she's good at some things. Her mouth is good for more than just bitching."

My blood fucking boiled as I stared back at him. "I find it hard to believe she would actually sleep with you, Levi. Because I know my girl, and she has standards. If she really took a chance on you, going below her standards, I know you wouldn't speak about her like that."

His mouth opened slightly, surprise covering her face. "Oh. I get it, Man. You're here cause of the pictures right? She sent her boyfriend. Awfully dirty on her part."

"She doesn't know I'm here. She at home waiting in my bed, in my clothes."

"I hope you keep the lights off. You and I know better than anyone how disgusting her body is. Her th-"

My fist collided with his nose. A loud crunch filling the air.

"What the fuck?!" He jumped back from me, holding his broken nose. Blood covered both our hands.

I grabbed the blanket off the couch, wiping my hands. "You aren't going to talk about Lyra like that. I want those pictures. All of them, unless you'd like a broke arm too."

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