The sweetness of salt.

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It felt strangely sad to wake up feeling officially older. This would be his last name day as a boy, the next he would be considered by all to be a man, and not even Jace would be able to rule over him. Lucerys was ordered to be woken with a tray overflowing with sweet delicacies, and the Prince struggled to eat a little of everything. But Lucerys stared out of his window, looking out at the beach, with a sense of grief he did not yet want to admit. When there was a knock on his door, it was of course Rhaena who was the first to congratulate him. With a tender embrace, her smile bright, she knew as soon as she saw him that Luke wanted something that wasn't in that room. When they looked out onto the balcony together, the girl understood everything, and being braver than Luke (as always), she vocalised.

"Arrax will bring you luck from wherever he is...he was a good creature, you will always be a part of each other."

It was then that Luke was able to let a tear fall, which Rhaena promptly picked up and replaced that tickle on his cheek with a kiss. She didn't want to force Luke to suppress his grief, but she did join him for breakfast as he discussed little anecdotes from all the name days at the castle. It didn't take long for Luke to burst out laughing.

When they went down to the dining room, Rhaenyra was talking to Rhaenys about the state of the war. Neither of them wanted to interrupt the talk, for they knew that in that intimacy, the two women shared things they did not discuss in front of the other men. Since Luke had returned, his mother had kept him distracted from the whole war, and though he had accepted it for days due to his weariness of Tarth, the Prince was growing tired of feeling ignorant.

"We must think how we present Aemond to the others, Rhaenyra," Rhaenys said.

"Even he doesn't know what he's going to do, I don't even know what I want to say to the Greens," Rhaenyra replied. Her tone was that of a younger, more insecure woman.

"You have been too permissive, Aemond could betray us at any moment. It was strange what he did to Lord Frey..."

"It was beneficial, when the Freys learn of his death they will know it was the work of a Green."

"And you think Aemond doesn't know the consequences of that act?" It was rhetoric. Of course he would know. And now Luke doubted what he and Rhaena were aware of all this doubt or theories.

"I don't see what he would gain then..." mother and son were equally confused.

"Well, what he has gained this far was... you setting him free, and gaining the Black's trust besides. The Freys aren't much of a threat either, they won't suffer the loss of their support. And I don't think anyone is going to avenge such a fool as Lord Frey..."

His mother fell silent, and though Luke wasn't watching them from his hiding place, he knew his mother had shifted her position and was marching across the room.

"My trust in Aemond has not been based on that simple act..." she explained. She did not seem to know how to continue. "And do not ask me to explain...I command you."

"As your ally, you offend a subject, I understand you...and as your aunt, I am proud..."

Luke knew without seeing her that his mother would be smiling. She probably wouldn't even look at Rhaenys, would have her head turned toward a corner of a table, and would lift one side of her mouth and try not to show her teeth. She might even blush, but she would say nothing, for she was first and foremost a woman of great dignity, but it always felt good to have someone be proud. "The Queen who never was" had just rewarded the talents of the first Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. A most gratifying thing in this day and age.

"Ally..." asked her mother. "What do you think I should tell Daemon? He refuses to return from Harrenhal without Otto's head."

"Tell him he's wasting his time; no one will go to Harrenhal while Prince Aemond is still here. Otto may have some authority, but if they haven't attacked yet it will be because Alicent will have heard something of his son's survival. To extinguish a fire you have to let the air flow, they will be careful. They know Aemond is still alive, surely he is here too, and any action against you will bounce back on him."

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