Dragonstone's walls.

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His lips tingled as he closed his eyes. Aemond's hand could only grasp his own lips and he quickly removed it. He tried not to think about the strange sensation that moved down his legs and in his lower abdomen. No book explained this sensation, and so Aemond felt it was something bad. Like rumours, this feeling only existed inside people, and somehow, it became everyone's business. Many soldiers sought solace with other men in times of loneliness, and it was unnatural, for their bodies were not designed for it. Why, then, did he feel the desire so clearly? The gods had sent many challenges to Aemond, and for his bravery in facing them, he had received nothing in reward. Why did they continue to punish him? Luke appeared into his head and Aemond felt himself trembling. He had sinned, but this feeling of guilt was so different...when he caused Arrax's death, his mouth went dry, his dreams were nightmares, and a strange sorrow churned in his stomach. This sin instead...this sin made him salivate, swim in his own mind, remembering the movement of the waves as he kissed him. And that feeling in his stomach...that feeling in his stomach made him want to sin again.

He got dressed and went out while the sun was still up. Hunger came over him and on the table from the night before there were still some fruits and sweets left over from the previous day's dinner. As he was biting into a fig, he felt footsteps. The Prince was afraid he would run into the Velaryon boy. It had been three nights since they had gone swimming, and Aemond had done a good job at it. He had heard his voice in the halls, seen his back in the distance, and avoided dining or eating when he was at the table. Luke had not approached the castle library, perhaps because he knew it was his favourite place, and had extended him that courtesy. A small part of Aemond wished Luke had not respected his decision to leave...a part of him wished Lucerys had sought him out...needed him. The slow, earnest footsteps made him relax. Rhaenyra, covered in an elegant but simple cloak, her hair unbound and no crown upon her head, smiled sideways at him.

"You're up early..." the Queen said.

"I didn't get to sleep." he chewed and swallowed before speaking. His voice was low and soft.

"Well, if you're not sleepy you could come with me."

"Where to?"

To the city. To the market, more specifically, to buy medicine. Rhaenyra was in the habit of buying her own medicine and tea. And apples, for she liked a very specific colour of apples that only she knew how to choose. She gave him a cloak and pulled up his hood, she did the same. She lent Aemond a horse and they both rode there. Of course, they left them farther away from the city, where no one could see them and rob them. So Aemond followed Rhaenyra through the place full of people starting to work.

"You should know, Aemond, that Alicent has been informed that you are here." She said it calmly, and Aemond kept walking though something in him was stunned.

"So... and what is he going to do?"

"I don't know yet, surely surrender the Throne...or at least I hope so."

"Can you tell me what you've been up to, or do I have to swear allegiance to you for you to develop?" He became slightly nervous when he saw that Rhaenyra was still smiling and walking.

"I have told her that you are our prisoner. And that if they do not yield we will burn you alive."

He stood still, and so did Rhaenyra, but her calm expression didn't leave her. Really...it was a good plan. He wasn't overly amused that his life was actually in danger, but it was a necessary measure, it was something he would have done, though he didn't yet know who he would execute. His mother would lose her nerve, give up. Aegon might not care any more, but Otto would. He would want to keep him close, in case Aegon put the Hightower to shame. And that would happen sooner than later.

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